Red eyes?

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Angel: After I finished bandaging up Betty's wound I saw one of the people were wakeing up. I walked over to the person and pulled off their mask, The person's skin was tan and his hair was light brown. When he opened his eyes they were glowing red. I yelped and jumped back. "Give us the bird." He said in the same tone all of them had used at the same time earlier. "What's wrong with his eyes?" I asked as he stared unblinking at Jess, Jess shifted nervously under his gase. "Who are you? And why do you want the bird?" Kala asked holding a dagger to his throat. "Give us the Bird." He repeated not even flinching with the dagger at his throat. "Jess says he might be possessed." Laurance says. "Can you and Sly unposses him?" Max asked as Sly bandaged his leg wound. Laurance looked deep in thought then he replied "Wouldent hurt to try." Then he closed his eyes and a soft red glow surrounded him then the guy that had been staring at Jess recoiled as if he had been struck. Laurance also recoiled at the same time but now the Guys eyes were Brown and he looked very confused. "We're am I?" He asked looking around. Laurance opened his eyes and took a deep breath, "That hurt." He stated. "Um what's your name?" I asked the guy advoding the question. "I'm Lucas Frenchie, The last thing I remember was going to sleep at my house in Silver Foot village. What happened?" The Lucas answered and I cut off Kala's web from around him. "You were possessed and tried to kill us." Sky replied then Jess wacked him upside the head with her wing. "Hey!!" Sky said rubbing his head. "Sorry! Do you know who Possesed me?" Lucas asked as Kala handed him a bottle of water, He gratefully took it and drank some. "Um no, dident Silver Foot village get burned down a couple of months ago?" Ross asked. I shock my head "No that was Silver Claw village. It's a few villages over from Silver Foot." I replied and Lucas let lose a deep breath that he had been holding. "Can I go home now?" He asked, before we could report three more of the people who had been unconscious woke up and said "Give us the Bird." All at once. Laurance sighed and closed his eyes again, then he glowed a faint red and flew backwards into a tree! All three of the people recoiled as if the had been punched then they all opened their eyes to reveal 1.) Blue eyes. 2.) Hazel eyes. 3.) Brown eyes. But the Hazel eyed one was a girl and she spoke up first "First off, where are we? Second off Why are we tied up? There'd off is that guy okay?" She asked pointing with her chin to Laurance who was still at the bottom of the tree. Sky ran over to Laurance and let Jess sit on his chest, she looked at Sky and I guess they were talking. "He'll be fine," Sky said. Sly got up from were he had been bandaging Max's leg and walked over to help Kala cut them lose. I was bandaging up the Blue eyed ones arm were Ross had stabbed him. "How'd I get this?" He asked amazed as he looked at the wound. "We were all Possesed and tried to kill them. I'm Lucas Frenchie from Silver Foot village. Who are you guys?" Lucas said bowing to the Hazel eyed girl. "I'm Avia Bettaly and I'm from Aviton Village." The Hazel eyed girl said taking down her bright green hair. "Nice hair." Max commented, Avia just rolled her eyes. "I'm James Dogmuffin, don't ask. I'm from Hillcup village." The brown eyed guy said. Sly just started coughing though i knew he was holding back his laughter. "I'm Fred Norris. I don't have a village."  The Blue eyed guy I was bandaging his arm said. "Je...... I mean I have desided that we'll send you back to Pheonix drop with Betty the injured horse. Ask a blond headed Gaurd their to send you on the right path to your village with some supplies. Betty was injured during the attack that you guys did while you were Possesed so she can't come with us on our Journey." Sky said standing up from where he had been kneeling by Laurance's side. They all nodded and drank some water Kala and Sly had given them. The others woke up one by one and Sly managed to unposses almost all of them be fore he collapsed also. Laurance was still knocked out and we just reknocked out the guys and girls that were still Possesed and made camp for the night. Tomorrow we would send the 10 we had managed to unposses back to pheonix drop, with Betty. The thing was four of the people that had been unpossesed had just woken up normal, but not remembering the happening when being Possesed. Strange, but I was to tired to think properly even when I felt my father's pressence within 1,000 miles. 

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