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KU aka the fire dude!: I used my magic to open the window silently not making a sounds. The plan was to get in and out without anyone else knowing what I had done. I flew in threw the window but the rush of air made the window creak slightly. A figure bolted upright in a cot right next to me and I threw my boomerange at his head while using my magic to fill the room with a scented smoke that knocked people out and kept them that way for a while.  He fell out of the cot groaning and trying to get back up but passed out in a coupe of seconds. I laughed to myself, he didn't even know how to use his magic yet to protect himself, well to be fair neither did the girl. I walked over to her deeply sleeping form, when I had entered I had sensed she had heard the creak so I had immediately sent the smoke under her nose. She looked so peaceful I can understand why Zane wants her to be his wife, I also know that she can be right feisty so I had put an extra done under her nose. It had been quite easy as both of them were still weak from helping the boy that I had almost killed. I knew she would try and succeed but becoming extremely tired and not waking up for at least a day. The boy must have helped her seeing he was magical tired, I knew I had to act quickly as dawn was coming in a few hours. I lifted the girl into my arms and watched amused as she, even in her slumber zapped me and tried to get away from me. I rolled my eyes and used my powers to lift her into the air and I flew back out the window. Time to fly to Okasis, then Zane would be wedded and my end of the bargain would be over. Then I could return to the Neather village were my family was. I realy hated dealing with overworld people, they were only good for killing. 

Hey guys Star here! Sorry for the short chapter but I was reading an awesome book on wattpad that was a Narnia book. If you don't know what Narnia is you life is sad...... Anyway if you want to read it its by livelaughlovenarnia And it's called :Flawed. It's a Narnia, Harrypotter crossover and even though it's long it's totally worth it and awesome. I'm also super tired from reading in all my free time today. I can say that I read her entire book in one day. Yup. Now I have a head ache. Im not going to update ene other books today so G night!

Destiny Transformed (Book 3)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin