Chapter 44

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Malarie's POV


As I dry my wet body off from a much needed shower, I stare back at myself in the huge dance studio-like mirror in my and Jason's walk-in closet. Thinking about him makes me happy, and bring my attention to him drying himself off as well. Not being able to contain the smile on my face, I go ahead and shyly smile at him.

I guess he sensed me gawking at him–him and his utter sexiness. He slowly looks up; those eyelashes of his being longer than most women I know... me being one of them. He continues rubbing the water pellets off his stomach, though his full attention is no longer on his abs, it's on me. He being his flirtatious self, he gives me a sexy little smirk, adding a wink like he always does. I need to take another shower–cold this time, I'm fire hot for this guy.

"And just what are you looking at, Ms. Staring Pants? What has caught your interest from you putting on your clothes?" He looks at me, biting his bottom lip as if he's holding back a laugh. "I know you know, Jason. You always distract me from doing things." I sigh, looking at his beautifully sculpted... everything.

I'm almost a hundred percent sure he knows just what he does to me. Not only to my entire body, but to my damn state of mind as well. It's like he has me wrapped around his whole entire hand, not missing any fingers whatsoever. I'm so gullible when he's around me. So willing to give in to anything he wants and says. I'm nothing, but absolute putty in that little jerks hands. Like earlier today, he had me right where he wanted me.

Since both of our bachelorette and bachelor parties are later on tonight, he decided we go somewhere with our children before we head out. I agreed, liking the idea, although not knowing he would want us to go to M&M's World! It's not that far from our home, it's just that it's a candy store! Our children absolutely love candy... because of Jason of course. I had to sadly decline, only causing Jason to throw a temper tantrum. Yes, my soon to be husband threw a temper tantrum... and ran down stairs to tell our kids we couldn't go. That little sneak had already promised them we would go, as the result of them crying in hysterics.

The cries were so loud, the twins even started to cry out. Then with the twins being all weepy eyed, our kitten Chubby, and our dog Estelle, began to whimper. It was like a chain reaction type thing, and I had to make a decision to either deal with the cries, or say yes to going to a place filled with different colored M&M's. Those little pieces of chocolate has so much sugar in them, and our children get so hyper. Especially Jacob and his ADHD. But nevertheless, I settled and said yes to go to sugar land. It was my worst decision of the day. Hyper fiancé, hyper children, and puke for me to clean up.

Flashback: Earlier Today

"Mommy I believe I can fly!" Natasha screams at the top of her lungs, twirling around in circles as she pops more M&M's in her mouth. "I have some M&M's, I have some M&M's and they are all mine, not yours, Tarzan!" Jacob whispers all demented like, pointing at me as he says Tarzan. He even pops in a handful more into his mouth, chewing quite hard.

"Chocolate, mmm, chocolate. I love this cha-cha-chocolate!" Joel chants, stomping his sock covered feet on the tiled floor. He had some cowboy boots on, although they weren't even his correct size. Christine thought they would look cuter smaller, but in reality they just hurt his feet. "Yeah, yeah, I got my candy and it's yummy. Yeah, yeah, next time I go to the bathroom I'm going to make it funky. Yeah, yeah, I LOVE M&M'S, ASSHOLES!" Jason literally shouts at the top his lungs, him being hyper too. Oh my gosh, people are looking this way!

"Jason, please keep your voice down, babe." Sighing, I tap my foot impatiently, wanting this long line to move quicker instead of its snail's pace its going. "But they are so good, though!" He still yells, giving me an adorable pout.

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