Chapter 54

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Jason's POV

The days of our honeymoon seemed to come and go faster than what we had imagined it to be; time really does fly when you are having fun. Especially if it's with someone you are madly in love with; in other words, my Mal. Just being next to her makes me extremely happy; the happiest I could ever be. She's such an amazing person, and I am so glad I finally married her.

Within the past several days of being here in New Zealand, we have participated in quite the activities. Going on boat rides, touring around the city, having raunchy mind blowing sex, kayaking, canoeing, bicycling, having more sex, visiting a very boring museum Malarie wanted to check out, relaxing in the sun, attending plays, musical performances, having even more sex, going to the spa for a much needed massage, trying out different foods and drinks, having sex, sex, sex, and more sex... whenever and wherever we could. Just having the greatest time with each other.

"Jason? Are you still there? Are you even listening to me?" I am pulled from my fun filled memories of Mal and I, being brought back to reality; a serious reality. "Yeah, I'm right here. Just repeat what you said to me one more time." I turn on my serious mode, tapping my fingers rhythmically on the love seat I'm lounged on.

"You know, I really wish you could try to act like you're listening to me sometimes," he groans loudly and prolonged, clearly irritated at my lack of care. Hell, I'm on my honeymoon. What does he expect? "I was confirming with you about the guys and I taking out the rest of the Chicos Malos gang. I know you said you were done with the whole gang business, but that's why it's going to be me and the rest of the guys to handle the situation. Somehow, we didn't get them all when we took them out when we were in Wahiawa, Hawaii. But that's not it." His voice falters at the end, causing me to sit straight up in my chair.

"What is it, Alex? Talk to me, man." I hold my cellphone tightly against my ear, readying myself for whatever he has to say to me. "Supposedly that one guy who was harassing Mal in Hawaii; Kale Villicuna, he was a part of that gang. The word on the street– the gang world– is that the leader and the rest of their little crew are pissed off, and they are going to get us back for killing most of their crew members in our gun battle we had." Alex tells me all the information he has found out, not sounding nervous or scared at all, but sounding serious as hell.

"Do you think Kale Villicuna knew about Mal and I before he tried to pursue her? Almost like baiting me in by using her?" I dare to ask this question, feeling a bit uneasy. If he did know about her way back when we had our family vacation, he could have easily taken not only her out... but our kids as well. "I think so, and a couple of the others think so as well." Alex sighs, sounding as if he's stressed out.

I on the other hand clench my jaw angrily at that; wanting to rip off all the heads of the stupid members belonging to that gang. I am so fucking angry right now! I for one was rudely awakened this morning, just to find out that another rival gang we were supposed to take out are NOT dead! But mostly I am just feeling very moody today; I haven't taken my meds, which I think I should do immediately. I don't want to be in a fucked up mood with Mal, when she has done nothing wrong.

"We haven't gotten any threats here at the house, but that doesn't mean anything. I have the gang, along with myself keeping watch of the house all the time. My nieces, nephews, and our mother is my main priority. You do the same with Mal, but I know I don't even have to worry about that." A chuckle is emitted from my lips; Alex is right. Mal cannot even go to the bathroom without me being right on her heels.

"I think I should come home; I am a bit reluctant about Mal and I being here when our children are there." My nerves begin to appear, causing beads of sweat to form on my forehead. "No, Jason, don't do that. What will you tell Malarie? You know she can grab the truth out of you easier now; we cannot have her, the kids, or mom worried. This stays between the gang, Jase." He uses a stern straightforward type of tone, meaning he's serious.

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