Chapter 1 - Meeting

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So this is my first story on wattpad, and first Marcel story! I know I'm a bit late on the whole 'Marcel' thing, but you can never get enough of the cute marketing guy, right?

Btw, he's not a marketing guy in this. Just thought I'd clarify lol

but please, vote or comment or whatever it is that you do on wattpad haha! and if you read this, thanks and i love you! *blows kiss*

Edit for the story on the side :) xx



Marcel's POV:

Do you ever just feel so alone? I know that's a bit of a vague question, but I know many people feel the same way as I do on a daily basis. Alone, depressed, feeling like your own life of 17 years on this world isn't even worth living.

But I'm not suicidal, promise. I can't do that to my family, no matter how miserable I am. My family is everything to me, they're all I have and all I will ever have. My mom, my sister Gemma, and my stepdad Robin are the only constants in my life. I don't have any friends, haven't had a friend since maybe first grade, and that 'friend' lasted a week until he found better people to hang around with than the nerd with glasses twice the size of his face in a sweater vest his grandma knitted for him. I'm not surprised, I was when I was six and cried for three days, but now I get it. He wanted someone better, not a nerd with glasses the size of his face. I actually still go to school with that same kid that was my friend for a week, and he's now the captain of the football team and bullies me on the daily. Funny how things work out, huh?

If I remember correctly, he used to pick his nose and eat it without a care in the world and now he keeps his hair in check, and his style up-to-date, dating the hottest girls. And by 'dating' I mean seeing them for a week or two, having 'relations' with them and then moving on to the next one. He's the typical player, and I hate him for reasons other than that. He's a jerk. He's nothing but trouble, and I'm actually glad he's not my friend. Not to sound cocky or conceited, but I don't deserve a 'friend' like that.

Anyways, I'm walking to school as usual and it's November here in good ol' Seattle, Washington. I'm freezing my peanuts off walking in this cold, but I've got a cup of hot chocolate in my hands, so I suppose I'm good for now.

I'm at peace for a few minutes on my journey to Hell aka North High School. That's where the bullying starts, and that's where I take it. I have about twenty minutes of peace as I listen to the soft sounds of Ed Sheeran on my phone through my white headphones. I don't even understand why I have a phone, I literally have four contacts in there: My mom, my sister, Robin, and my grandparent's home phone. Pathetic, but what do you expect?

When I am about a minute or so away from Hell, I turn off my phone and set it in my backpack in its careful spot, so the bullies' torture doesn't get to the expensive phone as well. Last Christmas, my mom bought me a black iPhone 4S, and even though I hardly use it for things normal teenagers use it for, I am very grateful. It was thoughtful, and very expensive.

I make it to my locker, keeping my head down the whole time. People don't acknowledge my existence like they do with Jake, gawking at him. The only way they know I'm alive is when they're torturing me or criticizing me. It's a good feeling (please note my sarcasm).

"If it isn't Marcel." Jake almost sings, and I try not to jump as he startles me while I'm at my locker.

"H-Hello Jake." I say plainly without looking at him, grabbing my Math textbook out of its metal confinements. My eyes widen when I am grabbed by the collar of my beige shirt buttoned up to the top button and my back is pushed harshly against the hard lockers.

"You will look at me when you speak to me." He growls in my face, spitting through his speech and I resist the urge to cringe at the smell of smoke on his breath and clothes. Such a nasty habit. But I suppose a nasty habit for a nasty person. I hold in my laughter, can't afford another black eye. I wouldn't have another excuse for my family.

"Do you understand that?"

"Y-Yes, Jake." I say, looking into his threatening blue eyes. His face softens into a fake smile and I am tossed to the floor like trash, my books falling out of my hand and my glasses flying off my face. I am blind without them, and they will use that as my weakness, adding it to all the others.

I begin to pat my hands all around the hard floor while they just laugh. All I see is blurry figures clutching their stomach with laughter while they point at me.

"What a geezer, let's get out of here!" I hear Jake's voice say, and I faintly see them leaving. I let out a heavy sigh, as I do everyday, and pat around me for my spectacles again.

All of a sudden, I see another blurry figure kneeling down to my height on the floor. Are they back for another good laugh?

"Here." The person whispers, and I feel my frames being set in my hands. I scramble to put them on, desperate to see who could have possibly helped me. No one helps me, they just laugh at my expense, so this is new and quite strange. Must be a joke.

When I can finally see clearly now, my vision focuses on a girl. Not to mention, a beautiful girl. She has long, dark brown hair, curled to perfection. Her eyes are big and brown and I easily get lost in them. Easily. She smiles shyly, tucking a piece of her hair that fell in her flawless face behind her ear. Why is she so shy? And why have I never seen her before?


So yeah! That's chapter one! Vote, comment, let me know what you think! I'll have pictures and questions and some games and stuff at the end of every chapter if I get a few reads and some comments. :) xx

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