Chapter 2 - Friends

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Hi! here's chapter 2!


“Let me help you up.” She whispers, and her voice is like music to my ears. It's so soft, like a melody of a ballad. It's calming, like a lullaby. It's smooth, like soft jazz. It's wondrous, like a mind-blowing chord belted by a choir.

Her hands take mine and pull me to my original, awkwardly tall and lanky stature. She's quite short, and she giggles when she has to turn her head upwards to look at me. Not too much though, I'm not a giant and she's not a midget. We're kind of the perfect height for each other.

Look at me, I met her one minute ago and I'm thinking of how our height is perfect for one another!

My eyes travel down and then back up her body, but not in an objectifying way at all. I am only looking at what she is wearing. She's got a denim jacket over a black top, revealing a bit of skin between the top and her daisy printed skirt, and she's ended it with a pair of white converse sneakers on her feet. My eyes reach her face again, seeing her with an amused smile and waiting eyes. She's waiting for me to say something...

“Th-Thank you.” I stutter so stupidly. I don't have a stuttering problem, it just happens when I am nervous. It's happened since I was a kid, and I couldn't do anything to stop it, so I lived with it. It's better when I just don't talk to anybody, because talking to people makes me nervous, therefore I stutter and look like a fool.

“No problem. I saw what he did. Who does he think he is?” She shook her head in disbelief, and I gave her a confused look.

“Y-You don't know who he is?”

She shook her head, “No. I'm new here. Don't know anybody, really. My brother and I just moved here from Phoenix.” She starts to pick up my dropped math book and backpack, setting my backpack in my still open locker as she hands me my book. I mumble another thank-you and she smiles in return.

“That's uh... That's a big move.” I say, not really knowing how to keep up a proper conversation.

“Yeah, it is. The parentals forced us away from everything for their job. They just got moved here for a new law firm opening up.” She explains, and then she blushes. “I don't know why I'm telling you this.” She giggles softly; she's so shy, it's adorable.

Did I just think of a girl as adorable?

Well, she is, so there's no going back now.

“It's okay, really.” I smile softly, unknowing where the confidence came from. She makes me so nervous, I find myself pulling at the collar of my shirt. Is it getting hot in here?

“Uh, do you think you could help me find my classes? I don't want to look like a complete fool, getting lost.” She laughs, and I find myself smiling and pushing up my glasses that slipped down the bridge of my nose a bit.

“Sure, hand me your schedule, please.” I say politely, holding out my hand and she places the piece of paper in my awaiting hand. I take a second to scan it, then I look back into her eyes, big and waiting for me.

“Uh, well, we have the same first, third and fifth period.” I say first and she claps happily.

“That's great! We've got some time, do you think you could show me where my other classes are?” I couldn't possibly say no, and if I did, I'm an even bigger idiot than everyone else thinks. Besides, she's nice, and she helped me when no one else even made the move to. The least I could do was show her where her classes are.

“Sure, let me get my things.” She nods and rests her back on the lockers by my own while I put all the books and notebooks I'd need for the day in my backpack before slinging it over both of my shoulders and I close my locker softly. It irked me to no other level when people found the need to slam their locker shut like they were the Incredible Hulk or something.

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