Chapter 36 - Promise

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       *Marcel's POV*

Angie comes back with her laptop, performing what she reads online on me. I am told to ice the area for twenty minutes, then apply heat for the same amount of time. I am also supposed to take ibuprofen. Sabrina leaves to get a heating pad while Angie gets the medicine and a glass of water. All this spoiling feels weird, but I let them do it because even though the pain is slowly starting to die down, I want it to go away. So I let them poke at me and pamper me, they don't seem to mind anyway.

“Get some rest, alright?” Angie says after they put the heating pad on my stomach and I have taken the pills.

“Alright, thank you again.” She smiles warmly at me, though there is a hint of sympathy hidden in her everlasting smile. She turns and leaves me and Sabrina alone in the room again.

“What are you gonna do when you have to go home? Your mom is obviously going to ask about your lip.” Sabrina says. I almost forgot about my lip; I'm surprised it didn't hurt the slightest bit when we were kissing.

“I don't know. I've run out of excuses, honestly.”

“You've had to make up excuses to you family about the beatings?” She tilts her head in curiosity like a confused animal as she plops on the bed next to my figure lying across the other side of the bed, leaning back against the headboard.

“Yup. Pretty much used all of them. 'Tripped and fell so I hit my face', 'wasn't watching where I was going so I ran into a pole and got a busted lip', the lot.”

“That's so terrible.”

“I guess I could use the 'ran into the pole' one again.” I shrug, starting to pick at the skin around my thumb nail.

Or you could tell them the truth. You said you wouldn't lie to your mother.” So she's pulled that card on me, eh?

“No. No way. My mother already worries enough about me. She'd probably pull me out of the whole school! And if my sister found out, she'd tell them off and that would earn me more beatings. No way on this Earth am I telling them.” I refuse, and she lets out a sigh.

“You can't keep hiding this! This is serious! What if you end up in the hospital because they took it too far? ...God forbid.”

“No, Sabrina. I don't want to end up in the hospital just as much as you and my family don't but I just can't tell them. They'd overreact and make everything worse. And you have to promise me that you won't tell them.”

She sighs again.

“Okay, I won't.”

“I mean it, Sabrina. Promise.” She nods, sticking out her pinky to me. I lock mine with hers immediately, both of us kissing our own thumbs.

“I promise.” She assures me, though she seems sad about it.

“But that doesn't mean I'm not giving Jake a piece of my mind!” She points a finger in my face and I laugh.

“I'm sure Zayn is giving him just that. Don't worry about him.” I assure her. I don't even want her talking to Jake, he makes me sick.

He can't have her, I won't allow it. He'll treat her like dirt when she deserves to be treated like a princess. He can't give her that kind of love, but I sure can.

“You know he's not going to get me, right?” She moves herself to sit criss-cross at my side, my arm coming around to gently wrap around her lower back, my fingers softly playing with the hem of her sweater.

It's amazing how comfortable I feel around her, knowing she won't back away if I pull her in for a hug or play with the ends of her hair.

“I know.” I nod.

“He may want me, but he can't have me. And I don't want him.”

“I know.” I repeat.

“So you're not leaving me?” She whispers, leaning down to rest her forehead against mine. The tables have turned.


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Damn this was short... I'll double update in about an hour just because I won't be able to tonight and I feel bad that this was so short.

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Xoxo Sabrina

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