Chapter 38 - Finding Zayn

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        *Sabrina's POV*

On my drive home, I thought about where I could find Zayn. My thoughts immediately go to where I knew he'd be, and my route redirects to just that place.

I park in the lot of Rusty's Gym, remembering him briefly telling me he's taking boxing lessons here. He's always found boxing his best way to get out whatever anger he'd had and I'm sure he's tearing up an old punching bag in there.

As I walk in to the grungy gym, the gross smell of sweat wafting through every corner hits me first. I cringe and walk to the front desk. The burly man looks at me as if I'm crazy. I know what he's thinking, 'What's this princess doing in a gym like this?'

“Can I help you, princess?” I knew it. I swallow harshly and find my voice to speak to the much larger man.

“Um, I'm looking for Zayn Malik. He's my brother and I need to speak with him.” The man gives me another once-over, and he turns to walk the opposite direction, only beckoning me with his hand. I follow him through the place, muscle men, and some women, eyeing me as we walk to wherever he's taking me. My eyes find a boy in the very back, giving a punching bag Hell and I recognize my brother's raven hair. I nod to the man I see named Mitch, wordlessly telling him this is who I'm looking for and mentally saying 'please leave, you're scaring the shit out of me'. But the man doesn't leave, he keeps to the side while I wait to talk with my brother.

“Zayn.” I state, wanting to catch his attention. He stops mid-punch and dark eyes meet mine.

“Sabrina, get out of here. It's not good for you in here.”

“No! I want to talk with you! You've been gone for hours, have you been here the whole time?”

“No, I went to give Jake a visit.” He continues his punching with the black bag, eyeing it carefully and moving swiftly.

“What did you do?” I ask timidly, scared to know the answer. Zayn is scary when he's pissed, and I can't imagine what he did to Jake, whether or not the guy's a Grade A asshole.

“I didn't kill him.” Zayn laughs, but doesn't make eye contact with me and I roll my eyes. “I just scared him off a bit.”

'Scared him off a bit...' He's used that phrase before; the last time he got in a massive fight back in Phoenix that got him suspended from school for two weeks.

“You beat the shit out of him.” I state, putting the pieces together in my head.

“The living shit. The funny thing was, he was scared shitless, crying like a fucking baby.” He stops his near expert moves to cackle loudly. I've never cared for this dark side of him.

“Were you careful? I mean, no one was around? I just don't want to have to deal with a brother in jail for assault.”

“Of course. Like I said, I didn't kill him. He was able to stand and go cry for his mommy.” He chuckles again before starting up his moves on the bag.

“Now get out of here, immediately. That guy is eyeing you like a piece of meat.” He points at me with a boxing glove covered hand, and I turn to see who he is talking about, a shudder erupting throughout me. I mumble a small 'see you at home' to my brother who isn't minding me any attention and scurry my ass out of that place.

As I get home, I start on the minimal amount of homework I thankfully have. But I can't focus on polynomials when my fight with Marcel re-enters my thoughts against my wishes. Now that I've managed to get my mind off Zayn's dangerous behavior, I'm forced to think back on how Marcel stormed off, so unlike himself. Maybe that's the other side I've been wanting to see, joining his playful and also shy counterparts. Maybe he's got just a small part of him that's angry at everything that's happened to him. Surely he must hate Jake, and I wonder if this is the farthest Jake has gone or if it's been worse. If what happened today had been worse, Marcel would probably had needed a hospital trip.

Should I text Marcel and just get my apology out there? I hate this fight and I hate how we left things even more. I am upset with him but he needs to know that even though I'm upset, I'm still here for him. Maybe I should just let him cool off, yeah that's what I'll do. The worst that can happen is we don't speak for a few days, but that's just a little immature on both our parts, don't you think?

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I'm sorry this was short, but I ended it there for a reason. You'll see whenever I can update next. And I didn't edit this much so sorry if there are errors. 

Anyways, Happy 1D Day! I found a fun game for you to play while you watch! it's pretty funny and it's in the side (or media tab for mobile)

Don't be a ghost reader, please. Any questions, comments, suggestions, thoughts? Feel free to leave em in the comments! And don't forget to vote :)

Xoxo Sabrina

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