**Chapter 24 - Caught

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The astericks on chapters' titles will imply sexual content until I change the rating to R. If you don't like it, just skip the part that contains SC in this chapter or just skip the chapter if you'd like. It's not that much in this one. Xx


I drive us back to mine for today, and we go straight to my room. I have to beg him, like, getting on my hands and knees to get him to do something with me, instead of letting him finish his homework like he intended. We play Scrabble, one of his favorite games, and he beats me by a landslide. I suck at this game anyways, so it's no surprise, especially compared to his high IQ. We move on to playing Battleship, while sipping Angie's amazing home-made hot chocolate. Seriously, I feel like we have a professional in our kitchen. Angie's the best.

“B...7.” I say, so focused. I am so into the game right now! Even though he's sunken two of my five battleships already, close to getting three down. I know I am close to sinking at least one of his though, I just know it.

“You sunk my battleship!” He whines, putting a red marker on his board and I do the same where it belongs. I throw my hands in the air victoriously, as if the game was over. But I've still got four to go.

“E9.” He says with a cocky smirk and I mentally curse as I look at my board. There it is, ship number three, down. And it was the small one, too, that's not fair!

I heave out a sigh and mark it.

“Jerk.” I joke.

We continue the game, and of course, he wins again.

“Okay, let's just assume for the moment that you're almighty at all games and I suck.” I laugh as we put away the game, back where it was in a hall closet. I actually haven't played either of those games since I was little and would play all our board games all the time with Zayn.

“Fine by me!” He smiles, acting cocky yet again and I shove his shoulder. I love this confidence in himself though.

“Don't get a big head, Styles.” I plop down on my bed, spreading myself out over the entirety of the queen-sized bed.

“Besides, you crushed my self-confidence.” I say and he tilts his head as if to say 'how so?'

“I used to beat Zayn at those games all the time when we were little and I actually thought I was good!” I fake a hurt expression and he laughs out loud for the second time today. Music to my ears, I swear. It's so fulfilling to know that I caused him to laugh that loudly, almost cackle, since he doesn't laugh that hard too often.

He plops himself happily down next to me after moving my legs. I beckon him with my finger to move up closer, since he's lying by my legs. That is much too far from me for my liking. He obeys my finger and shifts himself up to my level, his eyes staying locked on mine. I swear that is the hottest thing ever.

My hand rests on the back of his neck as we lay side-by-side, maintaining eye contact, which I know has always been a hard thing for Marcel to do. But he stares into my brown irises anyways, seeming to have no problem. And I literally get lost in his greens, studying every little speckle. I find that he's got spots of blue and black in them, something you wouldn't find at first glance. They're beautiful, and I subconsciously glance down at the pink that colors his lips naturally.

“Please kiss me.” He blurts out. It's fast and rushed, and he tenses up. I relax him by attempting to run my fingers back through his hair, but the thick gel stops my fingers. So instead, I lightly brush back a piece of hair that has managed to fall from the small mound of hair forced to the side. 

Say You'll Be There | Harry (Marcel) Styles [ON HOLD]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora