Chapter 32 - Green Monster

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          *Marcel's POV*

Wake up. Wake up. It's time to wake up.”

I hear a sweet voice almost singing to me, sounding like a little kid trying to wake up their parent. I open one eye slowly, being met with a bright light first.

“Come on, wake up.” The voice whines, and I instantly recognize it as Sabrina's.

“Nooooo.” I grumble, closing my eye again and grab the first pillow my hand finds to shove it on my face. She scoffs and yanks the pillow away from me, much to my displeasure and acts of protests.

“It's morning!” She says and I feel her weight settle on my stomach.

“Why are you sitting on me?” I complain lazily, my voice laced with sleep.

“Because I can. C'mon Angie just got back, she offered to make us pancakes.” She is trying to coax me, I know it. Are pancakes worth getting out of her extremely comfortable bed?

I finally open both of my eyes, slowly letting them get adjusted to the new light of the morning. They focus slightly on the beautiful girl perched on my stomach, though it's blurry.

“Can you please hand me my glasses?” I say, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. She gets off of me slightly to reach over for my specs, and instead of placing them in my hand, she sets them perfectly and carefully on my face as she keeps her straddling place on my upper body.

“Can you see now?” My eyes combined with the glasses focus on her, to be met with her smile shining as bright as the light pouring through her window.

“Yes, thankfully.” I grin and she blushes, knowing exactly what I meant, as if she could read my mind. We've had that strange kind of telepathy thing going on lately.

“You're cheesy.” She giggles, leaning her own upper body down to rest her hands on one another on my chest and set her chin on her overlapped hands, and my fingers go to work playing with her long hair, something I've come to love.

“But I like it.” She whispers, and I feel her take in a deep breath and release it, her whole body rising and falling with the inhale and exhale.

“I, um, I just want to thank you again for last night.”

“Stop thanking me.” She laughs, pushing my natural hair back from where it was sprawled across my forehead. “There's really no need.”

“I just feel like I should-”

“No. Stop.” She cuts me off softly with a finger to my lips, then she puts her hand back under her chin when I am shushed. “You don't need to thank me, that makes me feel like it was a favor I was doing for you. It wasn't a favor Marcel, I did it to make you feel good.” She says the last words slowly, putting the emphasis on them to get the point across to me. And it did.

“I'm sorry.” I don't know what else to say, really. She starts laughing again, shaking her head at my expense.

“My polite Marcel.” She muses, kissing my cheek. She detaches herself from my body, getting herself off of the bed.

“C'mon, let's go eat.” She pulls my hands to get me up, having some struggle. I get myself up to a standing position, looking around for my forgotten beanie from last night. I push back my curls, settling the hat over my hair to hide the wild afro, my curls looking twice as unruly from just waking up. As much as Sabrina likes them, I still can't stand them. As soon as I get home, I am stealing Gemma's hairdryer and fixing my mop of hair.

Sabrina and I trot down the stairs, meeting Angie in the kitchen.

“Good morning!” She chirps as she sets two pancakes on a plate at the breakfast bar.

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