Chapter 12 - An Invitation

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       *Marcel's POV*

It's been one month since Sabrina and I have become friends. We hung out at the others' house after school almost every day. And she would take me back to mine if Jake and his 'friends' were hanging out with Zayn. She's really something, something amazing. We haven't hung out anywhere else besides our houses. I don't usually go out anyways, unless it's movie night with my family and we go to the cinema.

We got so close this past month and now, it is in the wake of December.

Sabrina is currently taking me to school, as she does every morning, and it's Friday. She wanted to make a quick stop at Starbucks, and I couldn't say no. I did stay in the car, however. She comes back minutes later and I can smell the warm scent of hot chocolate. She has two cups in her hands and my eyes widen when she hands one over to me. I couldn't refuse, at all. She was nice enough to buy me hot chocolate even when I didn't ask, and one does not simply turn down hot chocolate.

I politely ask her to hurry back to school, so we have time to go to the library and I can read a little. I've finished the Great Gatsby, again. Now, I'm on to 'To Kill A Mockingbird'. I like the classics, believe it or not. I couldn't possibly read Twilight, or the Hunger Games, and especially not that 'Fifty Shades' book. No chance.

“So my brother is having this party tonight. He's throwing himself a 'welcome to Seattle' party. How stupid.” She scoffs. “Anyways, I was wondering if you wanted to come?”

A party? Oh no, no, no that won't do. I am simply not the party type, obviously, and I didn't make Sabrina out to be a party girl. Getting drunk, getting with random guys... it's making me sick and quite sad to even think about her being that girl.

“W-Will there be...a-alcohol?” I finally splutter out.

“Yeah. But you don't have to drink. I wasn't really planning on drinking either. I was actually hoping to just lock myself in my room until everyone left.”

Oh, what a relief.

“And I was hoping I could have some company.” She blushes.

“Um, okay.” I say reluctantly. I don't want to say no to her, I can't.

“Great! I can't wait to have you there! Be at my house around 9 alright?” She's so happy to have me there, I can't simply turn back now. She probably would have been alone sitting in her room all night. And I want to make sure she doesn't get too drunk. I'm not going to scold her like I should for drinking underage, so if she wants to drink, I will make sure she doesn't end up getting alcohol poisoning. I will be there to look out for her, protect her, and keep her company.

It's the least I could do. She continuously stands up to my bullies for me. I haven't had a hard beating since her first day at school. I've gotten pushes, shoves, insults, but no bruises for a month! She really is a miracle worker! I could show up to her party for a few hours and then go home.

But what will I tell my mother? I refuse to lie to her. I have never told a lie in my life and I don't plan on starting now or ever.

“What are you thinking about, Marce?” That's the nickname she's adorably coined for me, and I really like it. I've never had a nickname besides the pet names my mother shoots at me all the time, or the insulting ones from Jake.

“Um, just about what I am going to tell my mother. I don't want to lie to her.”

“Tell her you're coming to my house.” She shrugs. “It's not a lie. That is what you're doing.” Of course!

“Alright.” I smile and she grins back at me. She is just so excited, I actually kind of can't wait for tonight either. So long as I avoid Jake and Zayn at all costs.

When it comes time for me to probably start getting ready for Sabrina's party after I get home, I start panicking about what I should wear. I literally own one pair of jeans and those are tucked away safely, mostly because I don't ever wear them. I decide to put them on anyways, having to squeeze into the tightness. Remind me why I bought these darn things?

I need Gemma's advice, desperately.

“Gem!” I call for her as I poke my head out of my room.


“Can you please come here?” She huffs before she pops from her room and I pull her into my own.

“What's up?”

“I'm going to a party tonight.” I quickly say, her eyes widen. I know, I know, not what she'd expect.

“Really? Whose? Will there be alcohol?”

“Sabrina's... Well, it's her brother's party. And yes, there will be but you know I'm not drinking. That's just not me.”

“Well, good. So what did you need me for?”

“I have no stinking clue what to wear. I don't want to wear my normal school clothes, what if they get ruined?” That was my biggest concern on my outfit choice. If I wear one of my sweater vests and it gets alcohol spilled on it or someone throws up on me or something, I'll be crushed. And I'm certainly not wearing my favorite brogues!

Gemma only laughs, probably reading my thoughts.

“Wear those jeans and just throw on a t-shirt! It's simple.” She shrugs.

“Okay, but what t-shirt?” She sighs before carefully rummaging through my closet. She knows I'll scream if one shirt falls to the floor from the hanger.

“This one.” My sister picks it off the hanger. It is simple, only a light blue color. I take off my current t-shirt, and pull on the new blue one.

She gives me a once over, her eyebrows furrowed. Her face lights up with what seems like realization and she moves to roll up the sleeves of my shirt twice.

“Perfect. Now put on your Converse and you're good to go!” She smiles widely, leaving the room.

I do as advised, putting on my hardly worn white Converse sneakers. They look almost brand new! It's crazy, I have all these clothes and some shoes that I never, ever wear.

I adjust the glasses on my face, smooth out my hair, and decide I'm ready to go. I shove my phone into the tight back pocket of my jeans, and head out.

“Mother, can I borrow the car?” I ask as I approach the living room where she is sitting comfortably with Gemma, watching TV.

“Sure, for what?”

“I'm going to Sabrina's house.” I'm not lying. I'm not lying. I glare at Gemma as she smirks.

“Oh okay. The keys are where they normally are. Have fun sweetie!”

“Have fun, Marcel!” Gemma teases with a laugh and I roll my eyes, mumbling a quick goodbye as I start for the door. I get my mom's car keys out of the bowl by the door, on a stand with a lamp set on it as well. I'm out the door and in the car moments later, and I start off for Sabrina's house.

I can't wait to see her, I wonder what she'll think of this new look?


i think she'll like it ;)

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Xoxo Sabrina

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