Chapter 5 - The New Discovery

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 *Sabrina's POV*

Fifth period rolls around and I find myself waiting for Marcel. I even took a seat in the front! But I'm disappointed when he doesn't show up for class at all. He doesn't seem like the type that would just not come to class. And no, I am not stereotyping. I can just tell he really enjoys learning.

I go through the short, yet now tedious process of introducing myself yet again and I can't focus throughout the lesson. It's even Astronomy! The subject itself has always been interesting for me, so I decided to take it. I only hope I do well in that class.

So far it's not working because I'm staring at the door, waiting for my adorable nerd to walk in and mumble an apology about being late. But it doesn't happen as the class passes. I hope to see him after school as I go through my last class of the day.


Finally, the school day is over and I can go home. I'm waiting for my big brother Zayn by his car. He's usually the one to drive us to school. I have my own car, but we'd always like to take the trip to school together, whether it's in my car or his. We're very close, so it's nice.

Seeing a familiar boy waddling down the steps in front of the school, I immediately bound for him with heavy feet. He's holding an icepack to his crotch when I get closer to him, and my arms reach out to help him down the rest of the steps.

“Marcel, what happened?!” I lead him to Zayn's car. One arm is over my shoulders and I'm helping him walk while the other holds the icepack to the area.

He doesn't answer, he only lets out that familiar sigh and I frown.

“Did Jake do this? Did he kick you in the... you know?” I ask, feeling awkward. But I can't imagine how he's feeling as we talk about his crotch.

“Knee.” He corrects me sadly and I shake my head.

“He's such an ass. I'm so sorry.” He laughs lightly, and I smile at his own beautiful smile. I poke one of the dimples I love and we're instantly back to how we act. Like best friends.

“Do you have a car? Are you able to drive?” I ask once we reach my brother's car. I'm not sure if getting kneed in the crotch affects your ability to drive, but I'm just making sure.

“N-No. I walk.”

“Bri, hey!” My brother says as he approaches us. His face turns into a grimace when he gives Marcel a once over. “Who's the nerd?” He laughs, and I hold my friend tighter to me.

“His name's Marcel. And don't be a dick, Z. We're giving him a ride to our house.”

“Oh, n-no, no. I can-” Marcel starts spluttering, but I cut him off lightly. Not harshly or rudely in any way whatsoever.

“I'm taking you to our house. It's fine.” I assure him, and he shuts his mouth, nodding.

“Pfft, whatever.” Zayn scoffs, getting into the driver's seat. I decide to sit in the backseat with Marcel, to make it less awkward for him.

Zayn is being a total dick. Note to self: bitch at him later for speaking to Marcel like that. It's become my job to stand up for Marcel, and that's what I shall do. Tomorrow, I start my wrath with Jake.

“I can't believe he did this!” I whisper, shaking my head.

“I-It's okay.” He whispers back, looking at his lap.

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