Chapter 26 - We're In This Together

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          *Sabrina's POV*

“Today was just...AMAZING!” Marcel says animatedly as we drive to his house today. I laugh as he holds his large hands out to prove his point of the word 'amazing'.

“I'm so happy for you! They're really nice people.” Perrie and Eleanor were the sweetest things and we instantly got along. It actually turns out that Perrie is in my choir class, and how I never noticed her is beyond me!

“They are. Liam even walked with me to class, and-and he called me his friend! Can you believe that?! Someone other than you and Zayn called me their friend! That's never happened, Sabrina!” He's speaking like an excited child and I can't help the giggle.

“See? People can be popular and nice!”

“You're right. But about the 'kickback' thing Louis was talking about, what is that and what did you agree to drag me to?” His tone turns serious and less than excited.

“A kickback is like a party but not like a regular party where you go all crazy and stuff like that. You kind of just chill. It's really fun, I promise you're gonna like it.” I say, in hopes to coax him into this. Sometimes, people smoke weed or cigarettes and they obviously drink, if it's that kind of kickback.

“Will there be drugs or alcohol?” Is the first question he asks. If I tell him just what happens, he'll decline immediately and I really want him to have his first social experience with these new friends of ours.

“Yes but-”

“Nope! No way am I going to that!” He shakes his head vigorously and quite defiantly.

“Marcel!” I whine.

“Sabrina!” He says more sternly, almost appalled that I'd go to this. I can hear the shock through his tone.

“Come on, it's fun! And people don't do hardcore drugs, it's mainly weed! If it's a good kickback.” Shit. That definitely just dug me a bigger hole.

“Sabrina!” He says, appalled yet again. “Have you smoked marijuana before?!”

“Twice.” I tell him straight, not bothering with lying about being a saint and never touching the drug.

“Sabrina!” His third time at using my name against me like my mother would.

“Marcel, please just go with me! You can keep me in check if you want!” I can't believe I'm going to let him basically forbid me to smoke weed and get drunk to my heart's desire, but I really want him to come.

“I don't want to be that person that keeps you 'in check'. I don't control you, I just want you to be careful.”

“So you'll go?”

“No! I do not want to be associated with these people and have 'social experiences' with them if they are going to break the law like this!” Well that was a quick turn of character and tone.

“Okay, first of all, marijuana is legal in the state of Washington.” I point out matter-of-factually.

“You're not helping yourself here!”

“And second of all-” His frantic voice cuts me off.

“No! Sabrina, if I come home smelling of even faint smoke, my mother will have my head! And don't you dare tell me not to tell her where I'm going that night because I will not lie to my parents!” He crosses his arms firmly over my chest.

“Please, Marcel? Like I said, you can keep me in check or help me be careful. They're nice! Are you willing to give up these friends just 'cause they have a kickback?” I feel bad using his weakness of just wanting friends against him, but I really want him to have his first social experience and I will die trying.

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