Chapter 49 - Christmas Part I

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"Merry Christmas!" I say to Marcel and his family as they show up on my doorstep on Christmas Day.

He laughs, that wide, dimpled smile I love oh so much showing itself as he steps forward and takes me into a big and tight hug. I noticed that he left his hair natural, mentally praising him. He just pushed the curls that would fall on his forehead back to make it look a little more tamed without all the gel and pampering.

"Merry Christmas baby." He whispers in my ear, sending a shiver up and down my body twice. I can feel my hairs raise everywhere. The things he does to me. He pulls away with a small smirk, probably proud of the effect he has on me, and steps out of the way for me to greet his family.

I give each of the three a warm hug as they step into my house out of the cold, greeting them with the same, cheery 'Merry Christmas'.

I noticed Marcel was carrying a small box, and my mind automatically wanders to who it's for. I didn't ask for anything, I didn't even mention to him what I wanted.

They meet my parents, and Zayn. The two sets of parents go off to talk with their matching gender, the moms getting deep into a heated conversation, probably filled with gossip, while the men watch football. It looks like a typical family get-together, Marcel's family blending in perfectly.

Meanwhile, Marcel, Gemma, Niall, Jade, Zayn and I go into another room, our own secret room that Zayn and I made just for us in this big house. But others are welcome, obviously. I don't know why I never even thought about bringing Marcel in here, as many times as he's been here.

"Your house is massive!" Gemma whispers excitedly in my ear as she sits on my left on a big comfy couch. I'm sandwiched between her and her brother.

"Thanks!" I laugh as she gawks around with her mouth agape slightly.

"What do you think they're talking about out there?" Niall asks once we hear the moms' loud laughing.

"Typical shit." I shrug, getting a light slap to my jean-covered knee from Marcel. Then, he rests his hand there, squeezing slightly, and I take his hand in mine. He's around everyone he's comfortable with, so he's less tense. Finally.

"I'm gonna go chat with them." Gemma tells me, almost asking for permission. I give her a warm smile and nod, and she excuses herself politely to find her way to the kitchen where the mothers are probably talking over tea or coffee.

Zayn switches on the big TV, Marcel staring at it with big eyes through his thick lenses. We lean back against the back cushions, our arms finding each other as if on instinct.

"Marce, why don't you ever get contacts?" I whisper to him, everyone else having been consumed by the program I'm obviously not even bothering to pay attention to.

"You don't like my glasses?" He asks with a small smile as he looks down at me, pushing up the bridge of the frames on his nose out of habit.

"I do." I say truthfully. They give him that extra character, especially when he's wearing normal clothes and his hair is slicked to the side as always.

"I don't know. Never really had the chance to, I suppose." He shrugs, answering my question.

"Would you like me more if I got contacts?"

"No. I'd love you equally as much." I tell the truth once again, kissing the indent that begins to form in his left cheek has he cracks a half-smile.

"Aye! No PDA!" Niall yells, his voice breaking me and Marcel apart.

"Piss off!" I throw the white pillow sitting next to me across the room, hitting him straight in the face and Zayn laughs loudly as he looks over.

Marcel and I turn our attention back to one another, not really paying attention to the TV, as our fingers begin to play together. Our intertwined fingers lace together, then gently release repeatedly as we make little talk and small giggles come every so often. There's nothing better. I almost forget that we're not alone, like we're just laying on my bed and being snuggly together.

"Hey, it's nearly time for dinner." Gemma smiles as she pokes her head in. I jump up excitedly, pulling Marcel with me and not even waiting for the others. I can't wait to see what Angie and my mom have cooked up—my mom having helped Angie all day until she insisted she was fine finishing up. Such a saint, honestly.

We find everyone helping set up the table all fancy, well, the moms are helping. The dads are still invested in the game, everyone else irrelevant to them. The other boys, minus Marcel, join them while we help with the table, insisting we got it.

When everything is ready, we sit at the very large table made for such a feast, everyone having a seat wherever they would like. Marcel, naturally, takes a seat next to me and Gemma sits to my left, just like on the couch not thirty minutes before.

Angie and Anne help to serve everyone's plates with the massive Christmas turkey.

After giving a cheery toast with our glasses of wine, water, or cider, we dig in and eat happily.

"I am absolutely full." I say, clutching my stomach loosely as I sit back and I laugh when Marcel does the same.

"Might even have to loosen my button on my trousers." He speaks in a deep voice, mocking a typical father and we burst into hysterics.

A little while after dinner, we sit around the large tree set perfectly decorated in the corner of the living room with our plates of pumpkin pie.

I, thankfully, gave Louis and Liam their presents yesterday, when I popped over to their houses for a bit. Now I had the others: Anne, Robin, Gemma, Niall, Jade, Zayn, and Marcel's other half. Let's just say it was a lot of wrapping and bagging for me yesterday.


Merry Christmas! (if you celebrate it...)

Hope you all have an amazing Christmas! <3

Part 2 of Christmas coming up in five minutes! :)

Don't forget, if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or thoughts, leave them in the comments and please please please vote! Don't be a ghost reader. Thanks

Xoxo Sabrina

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