Chapter 9 - Library Salvation

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             *Sabrina's POV*

Okay, this may seem weird, but I love when Marcel scolds me for the littlest things. It adds to his adorable factor. He's not afraid to express his beliefs to me, like my language for example. I'm sure Anne taught him well, taught him to be careful. It's something I admire greatly about him.

“How did your night go?” I return the friendly and simple questioning.

“Fine. I only did my homework.” He shrugged. Of course.

What do I say after that? His answer was so straightforward, I don't exactly know where to go from that.

“Thank you for the goodnight text last night.” I say before I can actually register what I am saying. I really did love that he had the courage to text me goodnight. I think he's getting less nervous around me, and it's only been 24 hours since we met!

“I slept a little better last night after you texted me.” I admit, feeling heat rise to my already rosy cheeks.

“I'm-I'm glad.” He smiles genuinely over to me when I glance at him. As cute as it is, I don't want him scolding me for keeping my eyes off the road for too long so I look back out the windshield again.

We make it to school after a few minutes of comfortable silence, the light sound of Kelly Clarkson playing through my speakers of my stereo.

I park my car, unfortunately only finding a space a few spots away from my brother. Marcel seems a bit apprehensive as he recognizes Zayn's car, his eyes glued on the black vehicle. I reassure him simply by taking his arm through mine and lead him through to the school.

“So what does Marcel Edwards Styles do while he waits for the bell to ring in the morning?” I ask, trying to bring levity and ease his nerves a bit.

“I, uh... Sometimes I go to the library.” I hate reading, but I'll bite. For Marcel.

“Mind if I join you?” I ask, and his eyes widen a bit before he shakes his head as a response and I raise a questioning eyebrow.

“I mean, no I don't mind.” He laughs a nervous chuckle before we meet at his locker. He opens it with noticeably shaky hands and I stifle a laugh. He gets everything he'd need and I don't need to go to my own locker, so he starts to lead us straight to the library.

“Well, would you look at who it is?” Jake smirks as he stalks toward us. The first thing I notice is Zayn is following him. Is he serious? He won't really bully his baby sister's only friend, would he? No, that's not like Zayn. I'm surprised he even befriended someone as mean as Jake, let alone acted like that yesterday after school.

Marcel tenses up in my arm, and I take a second to use my free hand to rub his bicep comfortingly. It's surprisingly toned and hard! Damn, Marcel!

I shake off the not-so-innocent thought of my scared friend as they continue to threateningly saunter towards the two of us.

“Little Marcel, and his girlfriend.” His smirk never even falters as he speaks.

“How's your junk feeling?” One of Jake's friends asks Marcel. Does he even realize how pervy and flat out creepy that question made him sound?

“What do you want Jake?” I ask instead. I'm not afraid of this guy! He's a dick, and I'm not going to be threatened by him nor will I let Marcel. There's really nothing to be afraid of, Marcel is probably just used to the feeling of fear.

“Wow, girlfriend's got fire. I like that.” He purrs to me, and I cringe.

“In your dreams, dickhead.”

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