***Chapter 45 - Morning

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      *Sabrina's POV*

I find my body slowly starting to wake up, cursing my own self. I want to sleep more, last night was exhausting.

Last night.

Suddenly, I allow myself to wake up, my eyes opening to their full shape. I lift my head and find my sleeping partner for the night, looking at his god-like face.

He's always so peaceful when he sleeps. I notice the smallest smile playing on his lips in his sleeping state, and it's contagious. My hands run back through his hair as it falls over his forehead. He really should start keeping his natural hair in tact, not forcing it with the gel and hair dryer. He stirs slightly under my touch, his head turning on the pillow from the right, to the left now.

After quite creepily staring at him sleeping for a couple moments, I decide its time I wake him up, not caring about the time. The daylight is shining through my balcony doors, so he should wake up anyways.

I let myself crawl on top of him, my naked lower half straddling dangerously close to his morning erection that makes me slightly giggle.

"Marcel..." I sing, my hands starting to run up and down his chest and torso teasingly.

"Baby, wake up, it's morning." I finally glance at my alarm clock, reading the time of 10:25 AM. He only shakes his head side to side dramatically against the pillow like a child, his eyebrows furrowing and meeting in the middle.

"No, five more minutes." He mumbles, almost incoherently, settling his head to the side again.

I only laugh and ignore his request for five more minutes.

Leaning my upper half down so our chests meet, I pepper kisses along his jawline.

"Baby, wake up for me." I purr in his ear, taking the lobe between my teeth. I have never been this horny the morning after sex. I need him again, in some way, shape or form.

I felt really bad last night when I told him I had sex before. I really do wish Marcel would have been my first time instead of my ex boyfriend, who wasn't even that good in bed anyways, the few times we did have sex.

I love Marcel, and I'm glad we made love. It almost makes me feel like I've lost my virginity again, doing it the right way.

Breaking my thoughts momentarily, Marcel tries to move, but my body on top of his restrains him. He opens his eyes to slits, squinting the green emeralds at me.

"Why is it that whenever I wake up with you, you're always sitting on me?" He smirks as his morning voice laces his tone, sending it straight between my thighs. His morning voice is the greatest thing to grace this earth, besides Marcel himself. Dear God, it's so sexy.

"Because I like to sit on you." I obviously didn't filter that sentence properly, realizing how entirely dirty that sounded.

But f*ck, would I like to ride-

"Oh, well that seems legit." He speaks sarcastically, interrupting my wandering imagination that my hormones have invaded.

"I think you're friend has woken up before you did." I point out, and he furrows his eyebrows in pure confusion. So I point down to his erection in front of me and he looks down before he hits realization.

And then he smirks.

"Would you like to help me with it?" F*ck I love his confidence.

My smirk matches his and before either of us can even blink, I am reaching for a condom in my bedside table. Just as I bring the corner to my teeth to tear it open and get down to business, three knocks on my door and Niall's voice boom from outside the door.

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