Chapter 14 - First

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      *Marcel's POV*

It's taking her a bit longer than expected to get a simple cup of water. Maybe people are just in her way. Or maybe I'm too impatient and I just want her back with me.

I'm going with the latter.

I can hear people screaming and hollering downstairs, over the too-loud, explicit music blaring. Teenagers...

While I wait, I decide to look around her room. The first thing I see is a bulletin board filled with pictures of her, Zayn, and some other friends. She's also a bit of a messy one. I do her a favor and quickly pick up some of the scattered clothes on her floor and carefully place them in her hamper. Why does she have a hamper if she's just going to throw her clothes on the floor?

I swear, we are polar opposites in some ways. But opposites attract, right? It's basic science!

After tidying up her floor just a bit, I sit back on the bed. She has left her phone here, and it's set next to me. I will not snoop. She will hate me if she catches me snooping.

But the door's locked. There's no way she'll catch me! Besides, the curiosity of what my name is programed as in her phone is killing me! I know for a fact she was lying that time I asked her a month ago.

I shake my head. Instead, my eyes catch on the red cup set on her desk. My feet bring me to the desk, practically against my will. I pick up the cup and see what's swishing inside. A brown, frothy substance swirls around the cup and I smell it. Smells like alcohol. Sabrina...

Before my conscience catches up with me to scold me, I bring the cup to my lips, taking a small sip. It's horrid. My face screws up in disgust and I set the stupid cup back down while I stick my tongue out to attempt to get rid of the taste.

“Ugh.” I grunt, smacking my mouth a bit. I turn around and sit back in my spot next to the phone and I remember how much I wanted to take a look at her phone.

I finally decide to just do it. I won't get caught, and if I do by some chance, I did nothing wrong. I am only going to look at my contact name.

I pick up the slick white iPhone. She has the newest edition, the iPhone 5. I unlock the phone and see that she doesn't have a passcode lock on it. So dim, what if someone steals her phone?!

Oh well, easier access for me!

This is why you have a passcode lock on your iPhone.

I go into her contacts list, going to the 'M' section.

“Michael, Mom... My Marcel?

That's my name in her phone?! I am overjoyed, I want to jump around like a little kid on Christmas!

But four knocks on the door stop me immediately. I am quick to press the home button, lock the phone and carefully set it back where it was on the bed. I hide my beaming smile as I unlock the door and let in a steamy Sabrina. Literally, she looks so mad.

“What happened?” I shut and lock the door again, and she hands me my cup of water.

“Jake happened! Ugh, that was so disgusting!” She shudders.

“What happened?” I ask again, moving to sit with her on the bed. She takes her cup and takes a long swig of the alcohol.

“He tried to hook up with me in the middle of my kitchen! He like, had me cornered and he tried kissing my neck. He was like, 'You'll be my baby by the end of tonight, let's take this upstairs.'” She mimics his deep voice as she rants, and my blood is boiling.

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