Chapter 11 - Normal

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Soooo. this is the real chapter 11... 'An Invitation' was chapter 12. I'll explain at the end of this chapter. Xx


       *Sabrina's POV*

I really like Marcel's family. They're all very nice. I know I have yet to meet Robin, his step-dad, but I'm sure he's equally as nice as the rest of his family. I now know where Marcel gets his kindness from; his mom. And Gemma as well. She is very beautiful, and looks just like Marcel! They even have matching dimples and identical smiles. They could be twins if she wasn't three years older than him.

Marcel leaves to change out of his clothes, and I actually can't wait to see him out of his normal attire. Well, normal to me, as I've only seen two of his outfits, knowing him for two days.

I take the small time alone to get up and look around his immaculate room. It's spotless, there's not one thing out of place. It's the complete polar opposite of what my room usually looks like. It was only clean when Marcel came over because we've been in Seattle for about five days! Normally, my bedroom looks like a tornado ran through it...twice, and then coughed up everything it sucked up. It's that bad.

Marcel would surely kill me if he ever saw my room in its usual condition. I know for sure he has OCD, there's no other explanation other than neat freak.

I slowly wander around the room, stopping at the bookcase. It nearly reaches to the ceiling, and it's full of books. There are ranges from novels, series, and then informational textbooks on subjects like Astronomy and Physics. I leave the bookcase, going to the opposite side of the room. I first notice a good sized telescope sitting in the corner of his room, next to his desk. He must really like Astronomy. I don't blame him, actually.

I turn around at the sound of the door opening. I am met with Marcel dressed in a black Ramones t-shirt, matched with basketball shorts of the same color. And may I say, I like this Marcel. He looks normal. Like a regular teenager, excluding his gelled hair and big glasses with tape in the middle on the bridge.

“Whoa.” I say so stupidly. Good one Sabrina.

Marcel only chuckles, pushing up his glasses as he closes his door once more.

“You look...”

“I brought snacks!” Anne comes bursting through the door holding a tray, and I nearly jump out of my skin. I must have been staring at Marcel.

“Thank you Mother.” Marcel politely says as he takes the tray and Anne smiles at me brightly before she runs out the door, probably to go gossip with Gemma. It's quite adorable actually, and I presume that Marcel doesn't have many friends over, much less a girl if they're making this big of a deal over me simply standing in his room.

“Yessss, pineapple!” He whispers to himself as he looks at what Anne has set up for us. I plop myself on his bed again and he hands me a bowl of various fruit; there's strawberries, pineapple, green grapes, and watermelon.

“I love pineapple too.” I say and he only smiles at me as he sits at his swivel desk chair. It's small and looks quite uncomfortable, but I don't say anything, I just eat a piece of pineapple off my fork.

“It's one of my favorite fruits. Strawberries are my all-time favorite though.” He tells me animatedly.

“You really like to eat healthy, don't you?”

“Yeah, I don't really eat too much 'junk.'” He puts air quotes around 'junk'.

That's another way we're complete opposites. When I get home, I stuff my face with Oreos and Doritos, along with a refreshing cup of Dr. Pepper. Luckily, I don't look like a tan Oompa Loompa, I still keep my figure.

“So let's get started on that homework, yeah?” He says with a grin and I shake my head in refusal.

“Sabrina...” He whines and I bite. I'll let him do his homework, and attempt to do mine.

A few hours later, and my parents call me home for dinner. I'm surprised they're even home tonight. Sometimes, I don't hear them get home until the late hours of the night and then they go straight to bed. The perks of having lawyers as parents.

“Thank you Anne.” I thank his mom graciously, she's always very sweet.

“No problem honey! Come by anytime, really! I'm sure Marcel would really enjoy it.” She beams and I hear Marcel mumble a 'mother'. It's cute when she embarrasses him, he gets all red and starts to whine.

“I will.” I promise with a nod, and she gives me a warm hug. Gemma takes me in for a hug as well, and I feel it's only fair to give Marcel a hug to end it before I leave. He hesitates for a second, but I feel his arms holding me tight to him. Not suffocatingly, warmly. He practically covers me when he's embracing me due to his height and large arms, and I love it.

I pull back with a blush and give him a small wave as I try to hide my reddening cheeks. I make my way to my car and start up the engine, carefully going off and out of his neighborhood.

I had the most amazing time with him today, and it was interesting to see him normal. He was still the same dorky guy but he looked different. I liked it.

I like Marcel. It's not hard to figure out.


Alright, so here's what happened... I'm a fuckin idiot and accidentally posted chapter 12 as chapter 11. this is the real ch. 11. I will post chapter 12, which is 'An Invitation' right now since i fucked up.  I might even post chapter 13 tonight because i kinda feel bad :/ Ch. 12 won't change at all though. Sorry about that.

The stupid thing is this is like the third time I've done this.. WTF is wrong with me lol

Comment, vote, and spread the word! :)

Xoxo Sabrina

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