Chapter 21 - The Niallinator

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         *Sabrina's POV*

I loved that confidence that Marcel had when he kissed me. It was so...attractive. And the way he got all jumpy afterward was pretty amusing too. It's like he's got split personalities. He's talkative and playful one moment and then he's back to good ol' shy and blushing Marcel. I wonder if he's got any other sides to show me. If he does, I can't wait.

Anyways, I'm back home now after dropping off Marcel, and I join my brother in the living room, where he's watching TV alone while Angie is working hard to cook us a good dinner for when our parents get home soon.

“Hey bro.” I plop next to him.

“Sup.” He doesn't look at me.

“Did Jake leave?”

“Yeah.” He says cuttingly. What's up his ass now?

“Okay, then.” I mutter and get up from the couch to sit with Angie in the kitchen and have a real conversation. Obviously Zayn can't be fucked with anybody right now.

Just as Angie starts gushing about her son going to college, my phone rings and I excuse myself politely from the woman to go into the next room and answer the call. I see it's Niall and I am quick to press 'answer'.

“If it isn't the Niallinator himself!” I answer, grinning and I hear his infectious laugh blare through the speaker.

What's up, Bri!”

“Nothing much. What about you, babe?”

Nothing, but Miss Thirlwall and I have some big news!” I smile wider, if possible, as he speaks of Jade.

“What, you two finally had sex?” I smirk. I know Niall has had a crush on her for a few years.

Pfft. I wish.” I laugh at his bluntness, and he goes on. “But no. Jade and I are coming to visit you for Christmas break!”

“No fucking way!” I squeal. “Are you joking? Because if you are-”

I'm not joking! We're really coming. We talked to both our families, they're coming with us to spend Christmas with you and your family. Our families agreed to stay in a hotel while Jade and I stay with you guys, if that's alright.We'll have a big, good ol' Thirlwall-Horan-Malik family Christmas!” I can tell he's smiling, he never stops.

“Of course it's alright! This is too fucking amazing, I can't wait! I'll have to call Jade tomorrow.” I make a mental reminder to do just that whenever I can. But I know this coming Christmas break will be the only thing on my mind until it finally comes in two weeks.

I can't wait either, babe! How's Seattle?”

“It's pretty good.” I shrug.

Made any friends to replace me and Jade yet?”

“I made one friend. He's pretty cool.” Who am I kidding, he's amazing.

Is it that guy that was with you in that picture you put on Instagram?” I blush; I posted the same picture I put on Marcel's Instagram onto mine.


What's with him? I mean, either he's a massive hipster or he's the biggest nerd I've ever seen.” He chuckles, and I know he doesn't mean it in the rude way. At least I hope he's not. Hopefully he hasn't changed like Zayn has since we left.

“He's a bit nerdy, but he's cool. He's really nice.” I stop myself before I start to gush about Marcel for an hour or two.

You like him, don't you?” Niall has never failed to see right through me, ever since the day I met him in 8th grade.

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