Chapter 4 - Lunch and a Bully

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Hi! Here's chapter 4! I think I'll double update and put up chapter 5 in a bit :) xx


*Marcel's POV*

Okay, to tell the truth, I was infuriated that Jake would even try to hit on Sabrina. I wasn't surprised, just really angry. She's beautiful, who wouldn't want to hit on her?

I don't hit on her because I don't want to treat her like a piece of meat, like Jake does. Also because I actually wouldn't know what to say. I'd end up a stuttering fool if I even attempted to say one cheesy pick-up line to her.

I'm overjoyed that she was basically repulsed by Jake- not like he's hard to be absolutely repulsed by. She's not like the other girls, falling to his feet just because he's popular and 'good-looking'. She probably doesn't care about looks, and that works in my favor because I'm not the best looking.

I don't even stand the slimmest chance if she does even care about personality.

I'm no Jake. I'm no 'Ryan Gosling'. I'm just me. I only hope she can see me for that.

History class ends and now it's time for lunch. Another time where my daily dose of tormenting is added. I sit towards the back of the cafeteria, whereas the 'populars' sit in the center.

The center of attention, I like to call their spot.

I'm genuinely surprised when Sabrina says she'll meet me in the lunchroom, she just has to run to her locker. I usually sit alone at lunch, since I have no friends. The other actual nerds don't even sit with me, they have their own table. I feel more pathetic than I thought.

I nod anyways in response to her. Should I go with her? Would I seem too clingy or annoying? I need to stop over-analyzing everything with her or I am going to explode and she will think I'm crazy.

I make my way to my usual table towards the back. I don't normally buy lunch. The food here is disgusting and probably all processed. I bring my own lunch that my lovely mother makes for me every morning, consisting of a turkey sandwich with lettuce on wheat bread, a container of fruits, and a bottle of apple juice. Some days it's lemonade.

I get the usual shoves and insults as I go to my lonesome table, keeping my head down once again. I don't know why, but I believe it'll help me to just keep my head ducked down when I walk. Obviously it doesn't work, but I do it anyway. Force of habit.

I begin to eat my sandwich quietly, and it tastes as delicious as always.

“Hey! I've been looking for you for ages!” I hear Sabrina exaggerate as she takes the seat directly across from me. We're not that far away though, as the tables are set up longways, with benches. I just happen to sit at the very end of the table, while others sit at the opposite end of the long table.

“It's only been lunch for like five minutes.” I correct her with a small smirk and she glares at me.

“Okay, Mr. Technicality.” She teases, poking my forehead. Always so adorable.

“Healthy lunch you got there.” She points out as she takes out her pizza wrapped in aluminum foil.

“What can I say, I'm a bit of a health nut.” I smile and she laughs.

“Obviously.” I playfully stick my tongue out and she makes a funny face in return as she takes a big bite of her pizza.

“I'm not.” She says after she chews and swallows her food.

“Obviously.” I repeat and we burst into hysterics.

“This is nice.” I say, regretting it immediately after.

“Yeah, it is.” She smiles knowingly. I think she knew what I was talking about. At least I hope I do, because I wasn't talking about our lunch foods.

Lunch goes and ends peacefully, for once. It's like Sabrina was my bully repellent for the half hour, as none of my tormentors even passed by us today.

“I'll see you in fifth, okay?” She says just as we are about to part ways. I know her next class is on the other side of the school; she has choir. I'm impressed that she's taking that, and I make a mental note to ask her about it later on.

I nod as a response and she smiles that perfect smile before she's off, as am I. I walk to English with a content smile on my face. It immediately falls when Jake approaches me. My bully-repellent is gone and I'm left alone once again.

“So you sat with the new girl today.” He points out, smirking as he stalks closer to me, two of his beef-heads following close behind him.

“She has a name.” I want to slap myself after the soft words slip from my mouth. This'll get me a good beating, for sure.

“Whoa, little Marcie has a new friend and suddenly he has the balls to talk back?” Jake taunts threateningly.

“At least his balls finally dropped.” One beef-head said and they laughed loudly at my expense.

Suddenly, the world stopped as I was kneed in the privates. My whole body jumped back at least an inch or two at the impact, and I doubled over before falling to the floor, clutching my crotch. I'm a groaning mess on the floor, rolling around in hopes to ease the massive pain. It doesn't help, nothing could help.

They keep laughing for another minute or so before leaving me there to go to their classes. People passing by only stepped over me, no one even bothering to help me.

The nurse was luckily passing by just as the final bell rang and the halls were completely empty. I managed to raise my hand in the air and groan loudly, like Frankenstein, and I flagged her down. She helped me limp to her office, but she didn't even ask what happened. No one bothered, she was just doing her job of helping me get better and then I could go back to class.

She only gave me an icepack. What else are you supposed to do for a guy who got kneed where the sun don't shine? I asked for two packs to hold me over for the rest of the day, as it was a high impact shot below the belt.

She gave me what I needed and shooed me off for class, but I didn't go back to English. I went straight for the library, hiding out there with one of my favorite books, The Great Gatsby.

I don't plan on going to any of my other classes for the rest of the day. I make a mental note to apologize to Sabrina later on for having to skip fifth period. I don't even think I could walk to all my classes and manage to get there on time. Heck, it took me ten minutes to limp up the stairs and get to the back of the massive library.

How am I even going to get home after school? It's a twenty minute walk!

The ice is helping a bit, but boy does it hurt. If I had spoken, my voice would have gone up at least three octaves. That might just be me exaggerating though.

I'm so absolutely stupid for speaking up about Sabrina. Look where that got me!


poor Marcel! 

btw, I'm trying out the whole 'chapter title' thing and i apparently suck at it so sorry if the titles are kind of shit lol

anyways, vote and comment thanks! 

xoxo Sabrina

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