Chapter 31 - Maybe

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        *Marcel's POV*

As Sabrina leaves the room and I get myself clothed again, I can't help but to grin from ear-to-ear. It seems like the smile just won't go away, and I see Sabrina's smile is acting the same, even if she tries to hide it sometimes.

The difference is, I don't want my smile to fade because I've never smiled as much as I have within knowing her for such a short time. I've never been happier.

As I pull my briefs up, I begin to go into disbelief. I just can't even begin to believe that I'd just been intimate with a girl; never would I have thought that I'd do anything like that. Well, I should say I wouldn't have thought a girl would do that to me. Heck, I didn't think I'd ever make a friend either but look where I am.

I was fine being alone before, just content. I knew I never needed a girl to be happy. Yes, I was a little envious of the couples flaunting their relationship around the school. I'm not soul-less just because I liked being alone, I wanted to find love one day too. But I could hardly get anyone to talk to me without it coming out as an insult, so I learned to accept the loneliness. It became my friend in the end, always sticking with me. It never hurt me as much as others did. And then Sabrina came along, changing every aspect of my life for the better.

I begin to think about how she makes me feel as I tug up the sweatpants and pull on my t-shirt, while I hear her coming up the stairs.

She makes me feel better than ever before. She just did yet again, and she continues to do it everyday. I'm both terrified and excited to think this could turn into something more than what it is. Terrified in the aspect of complete inexperience; I wouldn't have the first clue of how to act or what to do. I still get nervous around her even after over a month of spending everyday together!

And I'm excited for obvious reasons, number one being she'd finally be mine.

I sit on the bed just as she opens the door, giving me her signature, everlastingly warm smile. We lay together again, our bodies intertwining naturally, as if gravity has attracted us together as soon as our bodies near the other. Like magnets, almost. I take in the still fresh scent of strawberries in her hair as she rests her head on my chest, and I hold her close to me, never wanting to let go.

I remember the way she spoke to me so gently during our intimate time just moments ago. She was so gentle, caring, understanding, loving. I knew all she wanted was for me to be comfortable and it made the whole experience all the more wonderful and intimate. She was caring, and she still is, and if that isn't enough to sway me, I don't know what is. All I know is I'm never second-guessing my beautiful Sabrina ever again.

I start to feel an unknown overwhelming exhaustion coming over me as I hold her close to me, and soon enough, sleep is pulling me under and I don't even bother with fighting it.

       *Sabrina's POV*

After many minutes of silence passing, letting myself get lost in my thoughts about the wonderful boy holding me in his arms as we lay together, I hear faint snores and even breaths coming from said boy. I crane my head back to see that he is, in fact, fast asleep. He looks so peaceful, and I know how tired he is, so after gently pulling off his glasses and setting them next to him on the nightstand, I let him sleep in serenity, setting my head back where it was resting softly on his chest.

It's actually crazy how much I care for him, though not impractical. He's very lovable. Though I've never cared this much for anybody, not even for my ex-boyfriend during our former crazy, pathetic high school relationship. He also cheated on me, but that's a pitifully cliché story for another time.

But I really, honestly do care for Marcel more than anything, and if I didn't just prove that to him ten minutes ago, I don't know what else to do besides straight-up tell him “I CARE FOR YOU. I ADORE YOU. I WANT YOU, ALL OF YOU. I LO-”

I need to stop myself right there. I don't love him, do I? I hardly know the meaning of the word, only feeling a fucked-up version of “love” with my ex. No, this isn't love. Not yet, at least. I know I'm falling, and hard. This feeling is just a very strong care and adoration for him. Yeah, that's it.

As he holds me very tightly – though not uncomfortably- his fingers having stopped their previous actions of softly tracing up and down my sweater-covered spine, I decide to speak the truth to him in his sleep.

“I care for you so much, Marcel Styles. More than you will ever know.” I whisper softly as I look at the peaceful features of his face. I am slightly hoping he is conscious enough to hear me through his sleep state.

He answers to my spoken confession and silent hope by giving my body a gentle squeeze. I smile widely to myself, returning the squeeze on his torso, as my arm drapes over his rising and falling stomach.

Maybe it is love...


I didn't realize how short this was when I broke up the chapters whooops :/

So I did promise an update! It's super late and it is short, but it's up!

Also, don't forget to follow @cuddlingwithharry and at least read the first chapter of Diana! I will be posting some chapters on there as well. 

And don't be a ghost reader! Comment pleeeeease and vote :) 

Loads of love babes, 

Xoxo Sabrina

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