Chapter 29 - Lazy Day

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Sabrina's outfit in the external link! :)


            *Sabrina's POV*

Saturday morning comes just as fast as Friday night went, and as soon as I wake up, I immediately call up Louis.

Aw, are you serious? You really can't come?” His voice asks sadly.

“Nope, sorry Louis. Stomach flu's a bitch.” Okay so maybe the excuse was a bit far-fetched, but it was all I could come up with at the moment, not really having thought much of a proper excuse as to why I can't come to the party tonight.

I'd worked up the plan last night while driving home from Marcel's. I would call Louis and make up some excuse as to why Marcel and I can't go to the party. Of course we could go, but I know for a fact Marcel doesn't want to. So I'm telling Louis we can't make it. I will invite Marcel over for a fun night in tonight. I shouldn't have even forced this upon him, and I feel bad so I want to make it up to him. It's the least I could do.

Oh, well, I'm sorry. Is Marcel coming?”

“No, he's not going to go without me. That's not exactly his scene.”

Damn, it would have been fun with you two there!” I'm massively glad that he included Marcel in this, even if Marcel may be the shyest boy you will ever meet.

“Thank you Lou. Another time, I promise.”

Alright. Well, feel better, love.”

“Thank you. Tell Eleanor and everyone else I say hi and that I wish we could be there!”

Will do, see you later.”

“Bye.” I sing and with that, I hang up.

So obviously I stretched the truth just a little, but I mean well. As part of my plan, I will be telling Marcel to come over here tonight, since Zayn will be at the party and my parents will still be at work. I gave Angie the night off, and now, I'd have the house to myself until my parents get home in the late hours of the night, early hours of the morning. Hopefully Marcel will enjoy himself here rather than at that kickback I'm sure he doesn't even want to go near.

As if on cue, my phone rings and his picture and name show up brightly on the screen.

“Good morning.” I chirp with a smile he can't see.

Good morning. So what am I supposed to wear to this god awful party?”  

“Don't make it sound so terrible, Marce.” We laugh together before I continue. “And just wear something comfortable. We're ditching the party.”

Really? Why?”

“Well, first of all, I feel bad for pressuring you into going to something you obviously don't want to go to.”

It was those darn puppy dog eyes that pressured me!”

“They work every time!”

Yes, they do, unfortunately.”

“Anyway, I want you to come over today. I've got the house to myself, we're gonna have some fun. I've got a whole butt-load of movies I'll line up, we can make some snacks, popcorn, we'll play board games. It's gonna be a good night.” I'm trying to coax him into something I'm almost positive he's already agreed to.

I'm there. When should I come over?”

“Any time really.” I shrug, even though I'm still fresh from sleep, at twelve-thirty in the afternoon.

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