Chapter 35 - Kiss Away The Pain

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So I don't think we should see each other anymore.”

I'm sorry, what?

“Wha- You're not seriously going to obey him, are you?” It's my turn to chuckle dryly and humorlessly. He can't be serious. But the look on his face is enough to tell me he's entirely serious.

“Marcel!” I shriek.

“He threatened me, Sabrina! You don't understand! I don't really have a choice!” He raises his voice, and I'm stunned. He never yells, ever. Not that I've seen, at least. Only once I think, when he called Jake a jerk in his most angered tone at Zayn's party not too long ago.

“He said he'd hurt me like never before if I don't stay away from you. But look where I am; I am obviously not staying away and this is dangerous already! It's dangerous that Zayn is going to find Jake, he'll know I've been with you... Oh goodness, he'll know I've been with you!” He begins to panic, and I take his face in my hands again, looking through his thick lenses to his worried and sad green eyes that have lost their sparkle for the moment.

“You need to relax. Zayn is taking care of it. But you're not just going to leave me because some ass threatened you, are you?”

“How many times do I have to tell you, you don't understand!” His tone raises again.

“Then tell me, Marcel!” I raise my voice as well, regretting it immediately.

“You will never understand what it's like to be hurt every single day of your life. To feel alone on a daily basis. Jake would hurt me a different way every day, and even though I got used to the beatings, I never got used to the pain and hurt. It was so hard, Sabrina.” His eyes fill with tears, and mine do the same. “It was so hard to go to the same place every day and get beat up and laughed at for absolutely no reason. I never did anything to provoke them, I never even said one word. I kept to myself and yet, I got hurt on the daily. Do you know what Jake said to me before he beat me up?!”

I can only shake my head at the rhetorical question, one tear slipping and rolling down to my chin and I quickly swipe it away on the sleeve of my coat I have yet to shed.

“He said I was a worthless piece of shit! He said if I left the school, no one would notice! He said I was meant to be alone! And do you wanna know what? I believed him! I am a worthless piece of shit and I am meant to be alone!” I should be surprised that he's just used those words, but I am too busy crying because of the other words he's yelling at me.

“You're not a worthless piece of shit, Marcel.” I say quietly, not as convincing as I'd hoped, but I am still weeping for him.

“Yes, I am.” He says equally as quiet, his voice now hoarse from his raised tone.

“No, you're not! Stop!” My voice rises again, and now he's convinced. He better be. “You're not those things that Jake told you, he's just trying to bring you down. Do you want him to win?” He shakes his head, knowing exactly what I mean. “Then don't let him get to you. Bullies feed off the victory of hurting another person in deep ways. You can't let him win, don't feed into his insults.”


“No, no buts. Marcel, you are not worthless. You mean the world to your family, they love you to bits. You mean a lot to Zayn. Hell, he's willing to beat the shit out of Jake for you! He's doing that for you! And most importantly, you mean so much to me and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Isn't that enough? Aren't Zayn, your family and I enough to show you that you're not worthless?” He nods his head, his own tears now spilling as he takes in a big, shaky breath.

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