Chapter 23 - The Public Humiliation

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*I added Sabrina's room. It's in the external link underneath the tabs on the side. And if you have a Polyvore account, follow me @sabrina-styles1 for all outfits and other things for this story :)


       *Marcel's POV*

I can't help the smile that creeps up as she goes on and on about her best friends and how excited she is. Although, that nervous feeling in my stomach at the thought is a bit unsettling. I haven't even met her parents yet, and meeting them at Christmas is going to be nerve-wracking. And to add to it, my family will not only be meeting Sabrina's family, but two other families that have become like another family to her! It's a huge, confusing, jumbled mess of families and I will surely have a panic attack if I keep thinking on the subject.

I'm excited, but nervous all the same. But Sabrina can't contain her excitement, so I let myself calm down a bit as I try my hardest to stay focused on her long speech about everyone. I love how animated she is about them; she really loves them, I can tell.

We go to each of our lockers, spend some time in the library (where she is quiet for a few moments), and then we start off our school day in our class together.


I'd just gotten out of the shower after my last class, gym class – it was lap day. Thank goodness this school has private showers, not some small thing with a flimsy curtain to hide you. The school has actual cubicles with a door that closes and locks securely, like a bathroom stall. I don't even think I'd take showers after gym if it was just a flimsy curtain, especially since Jake is unfortunately in the same gym class.

I wrap the towel around my waist, put my glasses back on my face, gather my stripped and sweaty gym clothes, and open the door of my cubicle. When I get to my gym locker, after nearly slipping on my own puddle of dripping water, I see the orange metal door is open. The worst part: I didn't leave it open. The locker is empty, minus my backpack. But my regular clothes, were gone, except for my shoes.

“Oh Marcel...” A voice sings, and my head snaps their way. Jake is standing there with one of his friends, thankfully not Zayn, and his arm is in the air. My eyes dart to my clothes hanging limply in his hand. Jake and his friend take off in nothing short of a sprint, and I chase them out of the locker room and into the school's halls.

“Jake! Give me back my clothes! Jake!” I scream after him, being cautious as to not slip and break my head open or something.

Jake and his beef-head friend are laughing hysterically as they run away from me. More laughs erupt around me as he stops in the middle of the crowded hallway, everyone's cell phones' cameras on me as they laugh their heads off at my expense. I freeze, in a stand-off with Jake across the hall. I just realize we are in the same hall as Sabrina's and my locker.

“What's going-” A sweet voice asks, and I instantly recognize it as Sabrina's before she comes into view, looking confused. Her eyes land on me and she softens, rushing over to my side.

“Marcel, why are you standing naked in the middle of the hallway in a towel?” She asks in a whisper, close enough so I can hear over the laughs. She is almost asking me as if I'm insane, choosing to be naked in the hallway.

“Jake took my clothes while I was in the shower.” I whisper back, ducking my head to fix my gaze on my feet. I hear her sigh before she turns to Jake and yells out.


“Yes sweetheart?” He asks, almost mockingly and I clench my fists at my side for the first time in my life at the pet name only her mother and my mother, even Angie, can call her.

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