Chapter 53 - Back To School

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*Sabrina's POV*
Fuck. Back to school today, and I can't be bothered to get my ass out of bed. Just as I force myself to sit up, my phone rings, the sudden brightness of the screen is like looking into the sun. I manage to see its Marcel's shining, glasses-free picture through my squinting.

"Hey, good morning." I mumble sleepily.

"Morning love. Did you just wake up? It's a bit later than normal."

"I'm so tired." I laugh. "Any chance you'd agree to ditch with me and we can stay in all day and do nothing?"

"No. Get up." Even through his demand, I still see that illuminating smile.

"You suck." I joke. "I'll see you soon babe."

"You better not go back to sleep. If I'm late I will never forgive you."

"Mehhhh!" I mumble a whine to him, hearing his cackling laugh that he does when he laughs loud and hard. "I won't, goodbye." I laugh again as well.

He says a sweet "see you soon" and we end the call. I get myself out of bed and trudge to start another early day.

"I fucking hate school." I moan grumpily as Marcel and I start to walk into school. He taps my hand with his slightly scoldingly, before he laces them together, sending my heart into a frenzy. I know how he is about PDA at school, so we never really initiate it.

He gets multiple stares as we go through the hall to his locker. He wore his contacts today, having worn them every day since he got them, but he said he didn't want to wear his new clothes to school yet. So he's in a button up, itchy grey sweater vest and brown corduroys. And he kept his hair slick. For some reason, it almost gives me excitement that he shows that other side of Marcel with the normal-looking clothes and curly hair for me and me only.

I hear a girl say "Is that Marcel with Sabrina", as if in complete shock. Yes, bitch, it is.

I squeeze Marcel's hand, feeling the urge to say exactly what I think to her.

"Ow. Babe ease up." He whispers subtly in my ear. It's like the tables have turned entirely.

I mumble an apology and release my iron grip on his hand intertwined with mine. We get to his locker with eyes still glued to us. I can't imagine how they'd react if he wore his new clothes and kept his hair natural. They'd probably have a heart attack. Normally people don't give a second glance at him, and it hurts me a little to think that the girls would fawn over him if they saw him differently; without the oversized glasses and regular teenage clothes.

"Hey Marcel! Whoa, did you get contacts?" Louis says as he approaches with Eleanor under his arm, Liam and Zayn not far behind.

Marcel nods with a bright smile, still quite happy he doesn't have those massive frames to worry about anymore.

"Looks good!" El compliments and he blushes profusely.

Marcel and I skip our normal library morning, the others inviting us to sit in the warmth of the cafeteria instead. A table is practically reserved for them, Zayn says.

The day rolls along quite smoothly and before I know it, it's already time for lunch. I forgot to grab my pre-made lunch Angie took the liberty of making for us, being the dummy that I am, so Marcel waits with me while I get the school's provided lunch.

As I get my tray and we make our way to the table we share with our friends, a big wall stops us. Having my short stature, I lift my eyes and head a little, only to see a very angry Jake.

"What the fuck did I say about her, Styles?" He spits, and I quickly set my tray on the thankfully nearby table that is ours, going back to defend Marcel. I know this cant end well if Jake gets to him.

"Jake just back the fuck off. I already know that you threatened him. Well guess what, I don't want you! And I never will!"

Jake just laughs it off, shaking his head. Is he that idiotic?

"Did you tell her?" His smile from the laugh falls as he stares down Marcel, who has turned to a small child under his glare.

"I-I, um... I-" he can't form a proper response, practically crumbling to the floor. He's terrified.

"Hey man, just back the fuck off." Zayn says as he steps between us. He pushes Jake back by his chest with his arm, guarding me and Marcel.

"What the fuck did I tell you? Don't come near me, my sister or Marcel. Did I hit you too hard that you don't remember?" Zayn smirks as his hazel eyes darken dangerously.

"What's he talking about Jake?" His beefy friend asked.

"Nothin'!" He growls, not looking at his friend as he and my brother go into a hard stare off now.

"Or are you just literally too stupid to comprehend anything?" Zayn asks, finishing his earlier thought.

"Don't fucking call me stupid." Jake darkly says, pointing a finger to Zayn's chest.

"Don't fucking touch me, unless you want your ass beaten into the ground, got it?" He smacks away the dick's hand, his own finger pointing at the enemy.

"Zayn, come on, he's not worth it." I say calmly, taking a hold of my angry brother's bicep and attempting to pull his heavy weight away.

"No, he is entirely worth it!" He doesn't even look at me, and I let go of him as I look around to the eyes watching intently at our episode in the middle of the crowded cafeteria, waiting for an epic fight. Pathetic.

"Zayn, come on. Let's go." Liam and Louis finally intervene, both stronger than I am and more able to stop Zayn from doing something stupid.

"You better fucking listen this time or I swear-" Zayn warns harshly as he gets pulled away by the two semi-struggling boys. I give Jake one last death glare as I pull the scared and quiet boy next to me away from the scene.

We sit together and he finds my hand under the table, lacing our fingers and he sighs in what I hear as only half-content. His head is still ducked in shame and embarrassment, eyes fixed on his corduroys.

"Babe, are you okay?" I whisper in his ear, wanting to kiss away the sadness and crease between his knotted eyebrows.

"That fucking asshole. Marcel, I swear if he ever comes near you-" Zayn starts to rant, before Marcel can even tell me if he's alright or not.

I kiss his cheek softly and subtly, knowing how he is about PDA.

"I need you." He rushes the words in barely a whisper, finally looking at me with desperate eyes.

"Now? Marcel, we can't have sex at school." I laugh lightly.

"No, not that!" He laughs as well, and I am happy to see the smile is back even if it's small. But it doesn't reach his eyes like normal, they're still filled with sadness.

"I meant I need to kiss you. I want your lips on mine, make me feel better. Please?" He begs, though he doesn't need to. I'd happily oblige if he needs me, at any moment of any day.

"Library?" He nods, biting back the grin he knows he wants to let shine until his face turns red.

"We're just going to lay low in the library. Get out of the chaos a bit." I tell them as we stand up. They nod, some making sure Marcel is alright. He nods in response, and I grab my bag of potato chips from my tray, needing at least something to ear as I forget the rest. We walk out of the lunchroom rather quickly after a goodbye to the others, our hands never releasing their hold.

He pulls me to the front desk, where the sweet librarian is working on the computer, her glasses placed low on her nose.

"Mrs. Henderson, can I have the key to the book storage room?"

The fuck is he talking about? There is a book storage room?

She smiles with a nod, handing him a key on a chain. He thanks her quickly and pulls me to the back of the library, not far from our safe haven. Shaky hands fumble to unlock the door, and he pushes it open, throwing ourselves in there. He closes the door securely and flicks on the light and we set our bags on the floor. The place is quite big! Boxes on top of boxes are stacked along the walls.

My gawking at the unknown storage room is cut off by the grabbing of my arm. I am spun around to face Marcel. His hands cup my face gently, though needy lips press to mine. I melt under his kiss, and he does the same, sighing through his nose in now full content.

I do what I promised, kissing away everything he was feeling in that lunchroom. The sadness, the shame, everything.

Our tongues collide as we back up into the box-lined wall. Hot closet make outs are the best, even if this is my first one.

My fingers move to tangle in his hair, stopped once again by the gel, so they rest on the nape of his neck, pulling his lips impossibly closer to mine. His own hands move from my cheeks to my hips, pulling them closer to his own. If we don't stop now, I'll end up begging him to fuck me against this wall. He's just too good at this.

I pull away, our lips making a small smacking sound as we part. His face and pout is screaming "why did you stop?"

"You said you didn't want to have sex, and if we didn't stop, I would have begged you." I whisper, fingers playing with the few hairs not stuck with the gel at the nape of his neck.

He laughs and rests his forehead against mine.

"I would have taken you like a savage." He whispers back, voice dark and raspy, the complete polar opposite to his demeanor not five minutes ago.

"Mm fuck." I moan and bite my lip, feeling the room get impossibly hot with the thought of him pinning me to the wall and attacking me.

"Don't do that or I will pounce, despite our location." He demands, eyeing my lip between my teeth with dark eyes.

"We could ditch and I could let you take me like a savage at my house." I can see him thinking it over in his head. If he refuses he is a madman, and I will be sexually frustrated for the rest of the day, something that does not affect me in a good way.

After a few moments and me trying to sway him by flirtatiously running my finger up and down his clothed chest, he sighs heavily and closes his eyes.

"I'm not even going to regret this. Let's go."

Fuck yes!

We are quick to gather our things and he gets the key out of his pocket. We rush to get out of that library, with him setting the key on Mrs. Henderson's desk. He drags me by my hand out of there, slowing down our pace slightly to look nonchalant.

We sneak past any teachers that could see us. Thankfully lunch is still happening so no one would really see us.

We run to my car, climbing in the seats quickly.

"Get us out of here." He mumbles, and we throw our backpacks in the back. I bite my lip quite tightly, loving the adrenaline of all this, especially knowing our reason to ditch.

I notice the tent in his pants and he shifts uncomfortably on the leather seat, running his sweaty palms on his thighs. I drive us out of the parking lot, and I smile in success as we get out of there completely unnoticed.

"Bad boy Marcel, eh?" I tease, giving him a smirk as I glance at him.

"Hush." He laughs, dismissing me. "Feel special that I'm actually ditching class to have sex with you." He returns the playful teasing.

"I feel honored. And extremely turned on." His eyes widen, and he shifts himself again.

"Drive faster." I smile, doing as told. "But be careful." I knew that side was still in there.

Oh God, I need him so bad. At every stop light, which happened to be red at every one, I eyed the massive bulge in his lap.

My hand reached over and palmed him as we hit the last red light. He closed his eyes and threw his head back to his the head rest.

"Oh gosh..." He breathes out. A honk behind me startles the both of us and I accelerate again, nearly home.


*harry voice* Pret-ty steamy. Lol

As always, any questions, comments, suggestions or thoughts, don't be shy to leave them in the comments! And please don't forget to vote! Don't be a ghost reader! All suggestions and commetns only make for better chapters and more chapters, I can promise you that. Plus, they make me smile :)

Xoxo Sabrina

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