Chapter 46 - Shopping

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Marcel lets himself in his house with his set of keys when we arrive after the short drive.

“Marcel, is that you?” I hear Anne call out, then see her approaching from the living room as Marcel closes the door behind us. She gives us both a sweet smile and pulls us in for individual hugs.

“Did you guys have a good time last night?” She has no idea...

“Yeah, sorry I couldn't make dinner.” Marcel apologizes, and I notice the slight blush. Probably from his mother asking us if we had fun.

“I told you it was alright. It's not that big of a deal, honey.” She waves it off and I admire her kindness again.

Marcel nods and excuses himself from us to take a shower. I'm left with Anne, who pulls me to come sit with her and Gemma in living room.

“Are you two going somewhere today?” Marcel's mom asks as I plop between the two women.

“Yeah, we're going to the mall together.” I obviously have to exclude the bit about buying gifts for them.

“How'd you convince him into going? He hates shopping!” Gemma laughs, amusement dancing in her eyes that are identical to Marcel's as she gapes at me.

“Puppy dog eyes, works every time I swear!” She and I laugh while Anne shakes her head.

“You are doing wonders for that boy. I'm really glad he's opening up to you. I can't tell you enough I love that he's finally happy. I mean, he was never really unhappy or even depressed, but it's obvious that he's happier than ever now that he has you.”

Every time she talks about me making her son happy, I blush, and my cheeks betray me again as she tells me again.

“Trust me, Anne. He makes me happier than ever too.”

“So what are you two? Like, should I start calling you my sister-in-law yet?” Gemma asks and I can't help but laugh, while Anne slaps her quirky daughter's leg.

“Um, I don't really know what we are, to be honest. You can call me your sister-in-law if you'd like, but I don't really think it fits with our relationship title of 'I have no idea'.” I tease, and she laughs, her dimples showing themselves. She flicks her beautifully long blonde hair over her shoulder sassily.

“Well, whatever. I'm calling you my sister-in-law, no matter the relationship title.” She grins, wrapping her arms around my neck and I gladly welcome the side-hug, leaning into her.

“I'm honored.” We laugh together, releasing our embrace.

"Would you like anything to drink, love?" Anne asks me, already standing and going to the kitchen.

"No thank you." I politely smile. Gemma rests a hand on my arm, going into detail about some boy at her college that she swears she's madly in love with. I love how she's so free-spirited, never afraid to tell someone anything. It's almost the polar opposite of Marcel's attitude most of the time. Though he isn't afraid to give me shit for cursing or lying to him.

"Why don't you ask him out?" I ask her with a shrug. If she's got the hots for him, she should go for it!

"Are you crazy?!" She tells and I hear Anne laughing into her sip of tea from the kitchen.

"He's gorgeous! I can't just ask him out!"

"So are you! Gemma, since when are you ever afraid of anything? In the nearly two months I've known you, you've never been afraid to say what's on your mind. And you said he sits next to you in two classes, right?" She nods timidly in response, resembling her brother.

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