Chapter 3 - New Girl

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Here's chapter 3! It's a bit on the longer side, but i felt like i need to get the ball rolling a bit on this one lol 

hope you enjoy! :) xx


*Marcel's POV*

“Now, we have a new student in this class.” Mr. Mitchel says as he looks down at a Post-It note on his desk and I look to Sabrina who rolls her eyes. I have to stifle a laugh, pushing up my glasses that slipped down yet again. So annoying.

“Will Sabrina Malik please stand up?” She huffs out before standing from her seat and she awkwardly waves to the class.


“Thank you Sabrina. Welcome to North High School, you may sit.” Our teacher gives her a small kind smile and she's quick to sit back down while mumbling a thank-you.

“That was so embarrassing!” She hisses to me, while resting a hand on my arm. It was a simple gesture to her, but it meant everything to me. She retreats her hand and pulls out an empty notebook and a pencil. The notebook is pink and has hearts and other girly things printed over the cover; her mechanical pencil is pink as well.

“I'm assuming your favorite color is pink?” I find myself whispering to her. She turns her head my way and gives a proud smile and nod.

“Yup! It's the best color! What's yours?” Is she really starting up this conversation while Mr. Mitchel is trying to teach and I want to focus and learn?

I answer her question, nevertheless. I don't want her only friend here and my only friend ever to think I'm rude.

“Orange. Shh...” I politely put a finger to my lips and she rolls her eyes playfully. I start to focus on our teacher's lesson again, taking thorough and neat notes. I look over to see Sabrina is messily scribbling everything down. Her handwriting is perfect and almost like scripture, but everything is a jumbled mess! How does she comprehend what she wrote when she studies it later?! Maybe it's just my case of OCD talking for me.

I focus again. I can't let her distract me, not in one of my best classes.

The bell rings sooner than I want and the students rush to pack their things up and get to their next class. Sabrina and I are more calm about it, and after setting my backpack on both my shoulders I start to walk out of the class.

“Hey, where are you going?” The sweet voice asks and I turn, seeing as we're the only two left in the room.

“T-To my next class.” I point my thumb over my shoulder, confused. Did she want me to wait for her?

“You weren't going to wait for me?” So she did. She smiles as she walks up to me, hooking her arm through mine again as we walk out of the room.

“I-I'm sorry.” I say sadly. “I hope you don't think I'm rude.”

“It's okay.” She giggles, and I hear it as Beethoven's Symphony No. 6, such a happy tune. “You're anything but rude, Marcel. I was just joking.” I'm relieved, beyond relieved. I need to tread lightly and not do or say the wrong thing to make her leave me. She's my only friend, and that means everything to me that I am even able to call her that. I don't want to lose her.

“Do you know where to go, now that I showed you?” I asked her as we casually walked the halls. Normally, I'd be bustling to get to class within the first minute of the bell ringing, but she kept her pace slow so I went with it.

“Uh, I think I forgot.” I give her a look and she just shrugs defensively. I walk her to class anyway with a smile.

“See you next period!” She grins again, giving me a salute to which we both laugh at before she walks into her English class. I check my watch as soon as she's gone; I have two minutes left to get to my Spanish class. I pretty much sprint up the stairs, making it just in time and out of breath.

Say You'll Be There | Harry (Marcel) Styles [ON HOLD]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें