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morning came rather slow, even worse, morning had not come at all, and she lay there staring up at the ceiling blankly. the music had died down, and she heard over at least 20 cars start up and leave. she had sat up now, her legs hugged to her chest and her blanket wrapped around her. she heard her brothers and sisters right outside her door, whispering in a hushed voice, probably thinking she was fast asleep.

"she always locks herself in there. never really comes out."

"maybe it's time for you guys to act like actual brothers and sisters. josh has been the only one i've seen who really worries about her. she can't be locked in that room forever, its not healthy."

"we've tried-"

"not hard enough"

the picking of her bedroom door lock was heard, and she heard a click. that made her jolt to her feet, his voice rang out and she froze in place.

"she puts furniture in front of her door?"

"she does?" they all said it in unison and it was enough for her to let out a choked laugh.


"april can you move the furniture, please?"

she scrambled to the window, lifting it open with a weak grunt, a strong blast of air hitting her in the face. of course it had to be windy right now. the door pushed the small sized furniture more out of the way and she saw tyler squeezing his way in. she frowned, where was the sudden care from tyler coming from? his head pushed through and he caught her eyes, freezing her in place. his eyes narrowed at the sight of her perched on the window sill getting ready to jump. he took it the wrong way, and shouted out, finally pushing his way through.

"don't jump!"

she let out a laugh, closed her eyes and went for it, but to no avail, felt no wind rushing at her on her way down. she instead felt something tugging her back, opening her eyes bit by bit and looking back, she saw that tyler had caught her arm, and his face was scrunched up as he pulled her back into her room. once back inside, her right arm was aching, but all tyler did was stare at her. and after a while of staring, he opened his mouth to speak.

"are you okay?"


"its midnight, and here you are, jumping off a 3rd story house. what got into you?"

"nothing at all."

his hand suddenly reached up and carressed the left side of her face, and he frowned ever so slightly, making his forehead crease. his brown eyes left her in a trance, and she couldn't look away. he moved away and pushed her towards her bed, and when she turned around, he was moving the furniture away from the door. he turned and wagged a finger at her, a small smile now creeping up on his face.

"go to sleep. and don't even think about blocking the doorway again. josh will tend to you when you wake up in the morning. so uh, sleep tight april."

she really planned to do the opposite of what he said, as she didn't like following what other people said, but as soon as her head hit the pillow, it was lights out for her.

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