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Her brothers hollers were what had woken her up abruptly, she slowly came to, realizing that Josh was standing right next to her. A splash of water came down at her, and she jolted straight up, knocking the cup out of Josh's hands.

"what the hell is wrong with you!"

"its 6:15 in the afternoon and you stopped breathing completely. do you know how worried we were when we came in to check on you?"

"you could've pushed me out of bed that would've been a better solution, now i'm soaking we..what is he doing here?"

"tyler? oh, he knows about the type of stuff you've been going through lately, and i showed him the bruise on your side."

"its far past my line of privacy that you tell him what mom does, but now you show him what moms doings look like? she'll kill me if she finds out that tyler, your best buddy, knows about her treatment towards me."

"he wants to help you-"

"i don't need his help. i'll be fine when i have the chance to move out this house. i've been working my ass off for years"

"you work?"

"what do you think i do when i lock my room door, i don't just stay in here and mope."

She stood up then, barely walking past tyler when he grabbed your arm. he looked her in the eyes, his sharp stare piercing through her. he spoke then, softly, as if almost her mom would overhear.

"Josh was planning to move to LA sometime soon, and i think he'd like it if you went with us both."


"me and him were sharing it. why would someone plan to move to LA in a big empty old house?"

"my answer is n-"

"think about it. you can spend more time with josh and be away from your mother. its best to strengthen an already healthy relationship and get away from a toxic one with your state april."

"i've already said no."

"think about it."

"what the hell don't you know about the word no?"

she pulled her arm away harshly, and gave both of them an intense glare. she checked her phone as soon as it let out a beep, indicating that she had a recieved a message, she put the phone down and stood up, going to rummage in her closet for clothes.

"i'm going out with patty to a club tonight, its already 6:33 in the afternoon and hes picking me up around 7. out of my room."

they stayed outside the door for 20 minutes, quietly chatting before they were interrupted by a honk outside and she ran out of the room, pushing past them. tyler went after her immediately and stumbled out onto the porch just as she got into the car and screeched out the driveway, not even giving April a chance to close the door fully and buckle herself in. he narrowed his eyes as he watched the backlights of the car fade into the dark.

"thats dangerous, he backed out of the driveway before she could shut the door."

"he always does that."


"he's been her boyfriend since the first year of her highschool had begun. a little bit more than 3 months after.."

"freshman year?"

"hes been with her since. mom didn't care what she did and she did what she wanted. she wasn't always just a good child being hurt by her family. sometimes mom did the right thing in hitting her."

"right thing? josh its still abuse."

"she was doing drugs at 13 tyler."

"didn't she get out of that though?"

"not completely. if you look around her room closely, there's at least 2 cigarettes."

"she never smells like it though."

"of course she doesn't she always does it when in the shower. that way she comes out smelling clean."

"we should go find her and bring her back, its not safe at clubs."

"do you think that would work? that would only make her hate me more."

"listen to yourself. your sisters safety is more important than you hating her. lets go after her its dangerous to leave her alone with that dude."

Josh tilted his head, Patrick had never been one to start trouble, but what Tyler said, explained the times she had come home more fucked up than usual.

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh Dunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن