.:spell it out:.

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"He's not real."

"No. Nono it can't be."


"Tyler what have they done to him. They probably kidnapped him from his mother or something!"

"Appi maybe-"

"What are we then! Are we involved in this shit too?! What if they take him away from-"


Tyler's hand were on my shoulders now, and he spoke slow and calm.

"April. Calm down. There's a chance they found him on the streets abandoned when he was just a newborn. His mother probably gave birth to him at home herself. And those people found him there and took him in as one of theirs."

"But why didn't they register him?"

"Right now we don't need to worry about that."




"April. No more, this isn't good for the baby."

I nodded, and heard Heath's little footsteps running towards us, with Josh's heavy one's going after. I heard his chuckle.

"Heath come back!"

I turned to face Heath and his face was serious. He was staring at me intensely, and he raised his hands for me to pick him up. He kept staring at me before his lips parted to shed a few words.

"What's wrong Heath?"

"How do you feel princess?"

A million words passed through my mind right then, and with Heath watching intently, it added more. Stressed, angry, sad, distraught, terrified, worried...

"I'm good Heath how about you? How ya feeling?"

"Spell it out."

"G-O-O-D. Now, how are you?"

"Fine. Where's your prince?"

"I'm right here Heath."

"How do you feel?"

"Absolutely amazing. Would you like some candy Heath?"

"Spell it out."

"A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Now how about that candy?"

"Yes, please."

"Come on then let's go get some. It's in the kitchen."

I set Heath down and Tyler took him by the hand and led him away from me and Josh. As soon as they disappeared, my calm and happy face I had plastered on for Heath dissolved into a stressed and worried face. I sat down on the floor, bringing my knees up, Josh squatted down next to me.

"He's not real Josh."


"How did they manage to get by with him? Was he in a public school or was he home schooled?"

"April, it's alright. We'll find a way to clear this all up."

"Josh, we can't be hiding him like his parents did. They probably lied to us about his illness."

"April it was most likely to protect him."


Tyler came in then, and upon seeing Heath in his arms I plastered my smile on again, "Heyo how about taking little Heath here out to get some ice cream and take a walk in the park?"

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now