:inside you:

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April had been sitting on the floor right next to where Blurry had taken Heath for almost 2 hours, the cops had come a little after Debby had called. They asked us questions April couldn't say anything other than Heath's name. They grew tired of questioning her after several minutes of her keeping up with what she was doing. After they had left me and Josh stood April up, she was a mess, her hair was sticking out everywhere, and her mascara was runny, she sniffed.

"Ty, do you think Blurry hurt him by now?"

"Appi it's only been an hour. I'm pretty sure he didn't do anything just yet."

"Ty it's Blurry we're talking about here. He can do anything."

"Seems like he's already done you." I muttered.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me right April."


"Did he cause you great pleasure? I'm pretty sure he did April."

"It was only two times-"

"The first one was my mistake, but the other time? No. You knew it was him, and you didn't really do much to try and get away did you?"

"Stop being ridiculous Ty!"

"I'm not."

"This was a while back jesus christ I didn't know what to do. I thought he-"

"He what April?"

I scoffed. "Thought there was some good in him? April you've got to be kidding. He's been taunting me for years now. Threatening me that once I got a tight hold on what I wanted most, he'd take it away soon after."

Josh butted in, his eyebrows furrowed and a frown planted tightly onto his face. "You two have to stop. Sex is god damned sex. Now shut your god damned mouths and focus on what's truly important here. Heath. Please and fucking thank you."

I heaved out a sigh, April giving me a sharp glare. Josh proceeded to talk.

"Ty do you have any idea where Blurry might be?"

"Inside April for all I know."

"Hey, stop that. You don't want to provoke her ass right now. It's the worse thing to do at the moment."

"Oh yeah. Don't want to let the princess come."

"At least Blurry made me cum more times than you did you piece of shit."

"More times than I did? April please. You gave out god damned screams every night on the honeymoon."

"You don't know if I could've faked them."

"You couldn't walk straight for a couple of weeks what are you talking about."

"Stop spewing out pure bullshit you fuck."

"Bullshit? I'm sorry honey but all I know was that I was spewing out my god damned sperm into you to get us a child for the honeymoon."

"Some weak ass spurts you got there don't you Ty?"

"You were praising me every morning April."

"You have no proof."

"Try me." I took out my phone, typing in my password. Her face went white, but she still had her fearless face on.

"You do not have proof. That's probably just some porn video."

"I'm pretty sure it's not some porn video because they don't usually thank their partners for making them have a great time."

"Guys stop it already."

"Have you seriously not watched porn? What are you? A saint? Oh dearie me I better not sin against God for seeing two people fuck each other roughly into the fucking mattress."

"It's not that I don't watch porn, it's that I didn't want to watch it when I would rather experience something else similar to that. And I got it soon enough."

"Soon enough?"

"April. Yes, there was someone before you okay? But the past is in the god damned past. It's not like you could've done anything to prevent me going on dates with someone before you."

"I know I can't Ty!" She snapped. "What the fuck do you think I would do to her?"

"If I had told you earlier that I still hang out with her you'd be livid."

"You what?"

"Yes I still hangout with her. Jenna isn't that bad okay? She does not pose any threat to our marriage."

"She better leave it like that."

"She promised."

"Just because she promised doesn't mean she'll keep it Ty."

"I have no interest in having any type of relations with her. Especially sexual ones. I do not have any interest whatsoever in hooking up with my ex for a one or two night stand. Nor will I ever. I would like to keep you mine for as long as I possibly can. Now let's stop with this fight. I'm sorry for bringing it up and making it a big deal. And do not say anything because I will too. What we need to focus on, as what Josh said, is Heath. We cannot afford to let Blurry have him because for all we know Blurry could put him on his side."

"He can?"

"It's what he's doing to you."

"But the veins gone Ty."

I lifted up her shirt and Josh made a weird noise. The vein had grown as twice as much in size, and had little streaks sprouting from it. They were once again starting to climb back up her neck. I showed her back in a small mirror, and let out gasp.

"But it can't be, Ty you got rid of it."

"I was only able to do that because we were in a moment of sheer happiness. The thicker that vein is, it signifies how close Blurry was to you. Now April, I need you to tell me, how close was he when you saw him at the park?"

"He...he touched my shoulder."

"But that doesn't explain the little ones sprouting from the larger one." Josh said, a confused look on his face.

"Memories. Any memory in which he was in close proximity with her that comes to mind will sprout those. The stronger they are the darker they get."

"What are we going to about Heath?"

"I know of one place where he can be."

"Where?" Both Josh and April said it in unison, and even though a smile was desperately trying to show itself off on my face, I looked at them, my face dark and serious.


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