:baby names: +.:secure:.

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When I woke up, it was still dark outside, looking around at the room, I saw that pillows were strewn everywhere, and April was nowhere in sight. I got up, feeling a draft on my bared legs instantly, grabbing a towel and putting it around my waist, I ambled towards the open bungalow doors. And there, spotlighted in the weak shaft of the moonlight, was April, staring out towards the open sea. The little waves were loud enough to cover for the creaks I made when I advanced on her, I placed a hand on her shoulder, and she jumped.

"Appi? You alright?"

"Tyler? What are you doing awake?"

"May I ask why you're out here love?"

"I couldn't sleep."

The moon was starting to slowly shift from its position, and a thin shaft of light landed on April's hair, it lit up, and she turned to me, a half smile on her face. I hugged her tightly, rubbing her back, when I tried to pull away, she clung onto me.

"How long have you been out here? You're freezing."

"Ty..what would you name your kid if you either had a boy or a girl?"


"What would you name-"

"No, I know what you said but, why are you asking this."

"Just because. I just wanna know what you would name them."

"Heath and Ruby. What would you name em?"

"Joshua and Ruby."


She shrugged, smiling.

"I could call him Spook, Josh.."

"Jishwa!" I said in the tiniest and cutest voice I could muster. April's face went blank for a moment, and then she giggled.

"Adorable little squish." She pinched my cheeks and sighed, turning to face the open sea again. I kissed her neck, and she moved her head to look back at me. I turned her around and kissed her, the only sounds were the lapping of the water against the wooden poles that held the whole bungalow up. We were the farthest away from shore, and the farthest away from the other bungalows in the clear turquoise water. April cupped my head in her hands, pulling me closer to her, her lips soft against mine. Her touch was gentle on my skin, and our lips moved along with each other. I wrapped my arms her waist and pulled the both of us gently back inside and onto the bed. She smiled up at me, eyes sparkling, and grinded her hips against me. I raised an eyebrow, but she still was just smiling like before.

"Feeling a bit naughty tonight are we?"

"Well I guess you could say that."

I twisted a lock of her hair around my finger, leaning down and planting kisses down from her neck to her midsection. April ran her hands through my hair, and I gripped her waist. I came back up to her face and leaned down to whisper in her ear.

"Maybe tomorrow." I flopped into my normal sleeping position, pulling the covers over the both of us. April giggled to herself, and pulled my arms over her. I smiled and hugged her tightly.

"Go to sleep Appi."

"I'll try to, after all, this sudden heat that is just scorching my skin is going to make it harder to sleep,"


After about 2 weeks of staying at Vahine, doing all the recreational things that were available and playing around with April in the bungalow, we were prepared to leave. April was upset about leaving such a perfect place. Where it was all peaceful, and where she didn't have to constantly be notified about some incoming hate messages that managed to squeeze through the positive comments April usually got. There was a huge lack of connection here on Vahine, and April was elated about it, we got to spend more time with each other. Everything was peaceful even for once on the plane ride home but once we got home the quiet had evaporated and there was everyones voice screaming welcome back. April ran to Josh and hugged him tightly, then moving onto the rest of the people. I only hugged my family and Josh, grabbing April by the waist and pulling her back to me, planting a kiss on her head, making her grin. Everyone cooed at us and I just grinned my brightest smile. After me and April partied our already tired asses off until 9 PM we left everyone behind. I tucked April in our bed, leaving back to the guests we had, and we ended up staying until 4 in the morning. As I headed back to check up on April, she stood in the entrance of the hallway, rubbing her eyes.

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