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"How long ago?" She asked, her green eyes seemed weak without their usual sparkle.

"About an hour ago." I replied, looking up from my phone.

I didn't expect April to wake up for another 2 hours, but she had slipped out of her slumber without a single sound or groan. She looked around, and I pointed out the note stuck to the face of the drawer. She picked it up carefully, murmuring the scrawled words in a whisper.

"....I hope the children's names are going to come out just as beautiful you, be safe. I love you."

"I ship it." I said with a wide smile, earning a giggle from her. "How 'bout it then? Let's go name your kids."

"I'd like for Tyler to be here..."

"What am I not good enough to keep you company?"

"No! I just meant that I wanted Tyler to be present at the naming. I'd like to see his approval too."

"Facetime exists ya know?"

"Where's my phone Deb?"

"I-" Normally it would've also been on the drawer next to her but it wasn't there at all. "I think your husband took it."

"Can you facetime Josh then?"

"Alright. Alright."

I slid my finger across my phone, typing my pin in. I clicked on the designated icon and dialed Josh soon after finding his contact. He picked up after a few moments and in that moment a loud wailing filled the room. Both me and April winced and Josh shushed whoever was crying, but only made it worse. Josh gave me a look that said sorry in sorts of ways.

"Nows not the best time Deb-"

"I can tell."

"What happened? You rarely ever facetime me."

"Well um A-"

"-pril's phone went missing? Trust me I know where it is." He pointed a thumb behind him and I finally knew who was behind the crying.

"He took her phone and he went through everything and um-"


Tyler let out another wail and you could hear the faint "sh sh"'s of Michael trying to calm him down. Josh sighed and rubbed his face.

"He didn't want to leave, so we tried to get him to play games with us to calm him down."

"And what happened?"

"He did play with us, but he fell asleep, and he woke up and started to cry. I think he just misses her," He looked back at Tyler, his eyes popped out, and looked back towards his phone. "A lot."

"Do you think he'd feel better if he saw April?" I looked back towards the hospital bed and saw that April was fast asleep.

"I think it would let me just," the screen went black, and i supposed he set the phone down. "Ty...hey Ty."


"Do you want to see April?"

I heard a small squeaky hiccup in the distant, and Tyler was suddenly on the screen.

"This isn't April..this is Debby.."

"She'll put Api on screen right now hold on buddy."

I made the screen face April's sleeping body and heard Tyler let out a breathy sigh, followed with another hiccup.

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now