.:long wait:.

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A knock sounded on April's bedroom door. A pile of bed quilts shifted in the corner of her room, her head emerged, dark circles marking under the bottom of her eyes. She stayed quiet, and stared at the door. The knock sounded again, and April just went back into her hole. The door clicked open, and Momma Dun peered around the edge, her eyes looking around April's room. The amount of splattered blood on the walls had increased, and she lifted up the phone to land back on her ear.

"No Josh. She isn't here.." April's mother paused when she started to speak again. "Well how can I find her if she isn't in her room!"

She could faintly hear Josh's voice raised higher than she had ever heard it rise up to. All her mother did was frown, and suddenly Josh's angry voice was removed from her hearing. She couldn't hear anything now and she saw her mother's face soften.

"I'll try my best Tyler. And yes, it was quite necessary to take away her phone. She isn't doing anything! She's being useless! She's been useless! Always moping around in her room. She's over exaggerating in the actual size of this problem! It's-"

Momma Dun's face went pale, from this distance she could hear the voice blaring from the phone. The voice quieted down after a couple of minutes, and her mother looked as if she had been grounded.

April. You need to go and answer the phone.

Don't go April. Don't listen to him. He isn't one of us. He isn't one.

Your mother will only punish you!

"-yes I'll give her the phone back. I know Tyler- Yes. Okay. Alright. I'll be sure to. Alright. Okay okay."

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin