:back to being the princess:

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We had to have Debby pick us up, who was practically bouncing in her seat, talking non-stop to us. Josh and I exchanged several glances during the ride back home. Pat and the guys stayed with April, probably to complain. I was worried about April, what I heard on the mic wasn't normal, because April was fighting, and all I knew was that Blurry was with her that night. Once Debby's car set a tire on the driveway, I unlocked the door and jumped off the still moving car, landing in a bush. Debby screeched to a stop, her and Josh looking at me with utter worry.

"Tyler! What the frick!"

The front door opened, and Pete stood there, squinting in the darkness, he picked up a flashlight and shone it at us. Once he saw the 3 of our faces he waved over everyone, and they all looked excited. Brendon frantically swished his hand back and forth, beckoning me inside. I saw April's messy bun sticking out from the couch, she was watching The Corpse Bride, quietly reciting the lines to herself. I dropped my bags to the floor, I covered her eyes. And I could feel her brows furrow.

"Brendon knock it off."

"So my name's Brendon now?"

"TY!" She yanked me over the couch, and my head was where her legs were, and my legs where her head was. I laughed, reaching up and pulling her close to me, swiping away the hair that was over on her left eye. She froze immediately, and turned her head away fast putting the hair back, I turned to the guys, who had a face full of fear. I frowned and swiped her hair away, she swiped it back biting her lip.

"Appi, I don't like your hair covering your face."

"I do."

"Since when?"


I raised an eyebrow, sweeping her hair back behind her ear, and gasped at what I saw.

"Appi who did this?"

"Boxing lessons."



Josh entered then, Debby at his side. I turned her to face a smiling Josh, who immediately had anger dissolve the smile.

"Who did that?"

I looked at the Brendon and the others. Patrick looked really nervous, looking towards April, then turning back to me, taking a deep breath before answering our questions.


That one single word had me feel a mixture of emotions all at once, and I hugged April tightly.

"Did he do anything else to hurt you?'

April shook her head, but Brendon and Pat cleared their throats, making a rising motion and then pointing to their shirts, nodding their heads at April. My hand landed on the hem of hers, April's hand clasped around mine, and she had a scared expression on her face.

"Please. No."


Her grip tightened around my wrist, and I winced. I tried with the other hand, but she shot her hand out to catch it. A scowling Josh walked over, lifting up her shirt himself, once he saw the black he dropped it horrified, all the anger he had dropping instantly. I looked at her for myself, and saw shadows everywhere, I looked towards April, who looked like she was about to cry.

"April honey..."

She burst out into tears, her hands losing her grip around my waist, shoulders shaking uncontrollably.

"He was too strong, I don't want to be gone Ty. Don't let me gone. Don't let me be.."

"Oh, April, he's much stronger than me. You just have to stick with me, I'll take this away. Don't worry. I will not let you go. Never."

April nodded and sniffed. And Pete cleared his throat, she looked over at him, and her expression changed from sad to happy. She looked into my eyes, taking my hands into hers.



"I'm positive."


"We'll have one of our own."


She laughed, "Tyler, I'm pregnant."

I blinked rapidly, unsure if what I heard from her were her actual words. My lips were aching to form into a smile, but I refused to let it show.


She nodded, and I popped up, giving her tight hug. Everyone in the room applauded, and Josh was just as happy as I was, he was running around the room, hands up in the air.


We all laughed at the scene Josh was making, and I kissed April, setting my hands on her waist. I could feel my face practically glowing with happiness, as well as hers. She kissed back, before she pulled back a bit.



"That hurt."


She lifted up her shirt a tiny bit, before letting out a small gasp.


"I got it to go away."

"You did.."

She rose up her shirt more, and I stopped her once she passed her belly button.

"Woah there April. You might wanna check in the bathroom."

She nodded, and motioned over a grinning Debby, both of them walking into the hall. It wasn't long before we all heard a squeal, and a running April came jumping into my arms. She peppered my face with kisses, murmuring "thank you's" repeatedly.

"Everything but the vein is gone?"

"The vein shrunk Ty. This isn't going to be hard!"

"Oh April. I'm sure we can do this. We can get rid of Blurry. We can do it."

"We can."

"I can do this. I can save you."

I kissed her forehead, smiling widely at her, and set her down. I turned to the guys, and they smiled.

"Thank you for doing this. I'm sorry I had to butt in your 2 month break with your family's."

Pete laughed, "April here was trying to get rid of us when we had just arrived. She wanted us to spend time with our family."

"Well in that case you should go and follow the request she made last night. Go with your family's. They need you."

They all nodded and exited the room, except for Brendon, who stood there for a moment before waving a goodbye at April, then he went behind the others. We could hear the car engines starting at the same time, and heard them go off down the road. I wrapped an arm around April's waist, and turned my head to face her.

"Do you remember the little boy at Disneyland?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, we saw the mother at the airport, and she said her son survived his illness. She thought it was his last day, but it was yet to become the beginning of his life. She said he wants to see the princess again, and I arranged for it to happen. And guess where it's going to take place?"

"The happiest place on Earth?"

"The happiest place on Earth."

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