.:No Pain, No Game:.

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Another contraction seized me, and I tried so hard to ignore it, I didn't want Tyler to get sidetracked while performing. He had started to sing some song, but I couldn't quite place it because of the pain searing through me, I must've obviously showed signs of pain or something because Michael came up behind me to ask if I was okay but all I could do was huff out a small cry of pain, small enough not to reach the pair performing. I was about to wave him off telling him I was fine, very sure that if Tyler would know what I was doing he would get angry that I was putting myself and the baby in danger. But in that moment, when my hand was about to brush him off, I heard a small pop almost like a knuckle crack and I felt an extremely large amount of liquid run down my legs, my face went completely white, a cold flash rushing over me. Oh. Crap. My water had just broke, Michael was already speaking into his walkie, and that was the moment I looked up and met eyes with Tyler. Pure horror radiated through him. Michael was going crazy not knowing what the absolute hell on what to do, but Tyler held my gaze, and his ukulele slipped from his grasp, Josh had looked over and he scrambled away from his drum set to get to me. Tyler said something about holding on, and Josh was already by my side. I had lost all sense in my surroundings and everything everyone said was echoing around me. I saw Tyler suddenly appear and heard my name being called so many times, it was interrupted by Josh's voice from what I could tell they were having a heated discussion. This was not really the time, but I wasn't able to do anything about it, I wasn't able to talk. And then I sensed it, my body going stiff. Blurry had come back, I could sense him next to me, and he was taking away my strength. I was terrified, I was already so weak, and Blurry was here trying to take away what I had been longing to experience for so long.

"Told you I was going to get what I wanted sooner or later sweet cheeks."

I couldn't even turn my head, which was lolling to the side, and I heard a familiar voice screaming out, fear hiding in the tips of its tone. Tyler had 15-20 minutes left of the concert before I had begun my labor, and with that, 10 minutes were taken off the total. My sight started going black, and I heard a "we're losing her." along with a "we need her conscious!" It seemed that in a split second I was up on stage that I was now in the hospital, being wheeled away quickly into a labor room. I was in agonizing pain, and I had to fight against what Blurry was doing, I needed to stay conscious for this, I needed to stay alive. There was no way in Blurry's wishes that I would let him take me away, or take my child away from Tyler. I thought of all the pain and loss I went through to get here, and I channeled all the strength I had left, my vision was clearing and the pain was getting stronger. Never would I have gone through a harder point in life than here, Blurry was giving all his strength, giving it his all, and I was doing the same. I felt a strong grip on my arm and I looked towards the side, it was Josh and he gave me a tight smile.

"I'm not the father, but I'll help you go through this, after all, what are big brothers for?"

Another contraction came and I let a scream rip out my throat, Josh jumped and he was about to go call for the doctor when he came in. The baby was starting to crown, as she could only tell by the nod the doctor gave to the nurses, now turning to look at Josh with a small look on his face.

"Oh dear, Mr.."

"Dun. Josh Dun, I'm her brother."

"Yes, ah, did your sister know she was having twins?"

I snapped my head up, "Twins?"

"Yes, Mrs. Lancaster, we need you to push as hard as you can alright? It'll be double the pain to give birth to the two, alright now, you need to start pushing."

All I could do was nod quickly, letting out another pained scream as I started to push, grasping Josh's hand as hard as I could. Josh had a pained look on his face, hating to know that Tyler wasn't here to witness the birth of his own children, let alone even look at his baby sister be in excruciating pain. And just as I was about to give my second push, the doors burst open, and there was Tyler, the doctors didn't bother to look, but I felt Josh tug at his hand and I let go, Tyler almost immediately taking his place. I gave out a hard grunt, a scream let out into it.

"The heads out, just give me one more big push okay? And we'll continue onto the other one."

A contraction came in just in time, and I pushed so hard that stars started to come into my vision, I had almost blacked out, but Tyler's presence kept me going. I heard a wail of a baby start out all of a sudden, Tyler didn't seem to notice and I kept feeling his hot stare. I heaved out another push, knowing I had to go through more pain to deliver this second baby.

"Come on April, you can do it, just a couple more pushes, and you'll be done."

I did once more, colors bursting out like fireworks right in front of my eyes, and just as I heard the second wail of my baby let out into the air, and Tyler's loud sigh of relief form into a pained cry of my name, everything went pitch black. And all I could do was slip gratefully into it.

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