.:.for him.:.

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April got cleared about a week later. Tyler has never left her side since, wherever he went she was there. And wherever she went he was there. Josh got a bit jealous that he was seeing Tyler be more attached to April than him but at the moment, it wasn't that big of a deal. Tyler was making April happy, and Josh liked that. A lot. They grew closer than ever in a matter of days, Tyler was always treating her like a fragile porcelain doll, and April wanted to prove that she was currently the exact opposite of what he thought. When Tyler would usually leave Josh alone with her for a minute or two, April would always say that she was doing it for him, because all she saw was a hurting soul behind those chocolate eyes she had begun to love so much. Josh loved his little sister, and he loved her even more for accomplishing what Tyler had desperately been needing for a while. Peace.


Okay Jenn here again. I'm going to need you to look at the chapter titles more closely now. If you're confused on who's view your looking at. I'll give you a few hints. I started this today because I thought that those who would be reading would be majorly confused on who's point of view they were looking at because of my constant change of views.

.:{insert title of chapter here}:. - April
:{Insert title of chapter here}: - Tyler
.:.{insert title of chapter here}.:. - Josh

I hope this will help in the future chapters! Bye for now!


Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh Dunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن