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Tyler and Josh soon were let into the ICU where April was, as they entered all they both heard was the heart monitor slowly beeping occasionally. They stared at her pale figure lying on the bed, all tubes that came from the IV's stuck into her arm. They both sat on either side of her, holding both her hands gently. Josh didn't want to leave his sister's side but Tyler soon convinced him to, promising he'd stay here and watch over April. He sat there, stroking April's scratched up cheek gently. After a couple of hours with her, Tyler started to sing a new tune he had heard from April.

"I know, where you stand...silent..in the trees."

He paused for a moment, adding new words to the tune April had never finished.

"And that's...where I am..silent in the trees," his eyes started to tear but he kept going, making up lyrics as he went. "Why won't you speak..? Where I happen to be? Silent..in the trees...standing cowardly.."

He watched her chest go up and down, her soft, almost inaudible breathing now the only thing he could hear in the room besides the monitor.

"I can feeel your breath..I can feeel my death. I want to know you...I want to seee...I want to saaayy," He took a shaky deep breath in, his voice cracking at the end. "Hello..."

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunWhere stories live. Discover now