:guess who's back:

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"April. Please, wake up. You have to. You don't know how much we miss you. The house is empty. It's been 2 months already. Today's my last day before I go back. I want you back, we want you back. It isn't the same."

"Tyler it's time to go."

"One more minute please. Please."

"Alright, just, hurry, we're going to be late to our flight."

"Yeah, I know, I know."

She looked so fragile, with all those bandages covering her face. I placed my hand on her stomach. There was no more bump, no more baby. If her mother hadn't shown up, we would've had one more month. She told me she had planned to dress up her stomach for each holiday that passed before she went into labor. Debby would soon take over and watch over her, and if she hadn't come out of her coma in another month, the doctors decided it would be best to let her go. I planted a kiss on her forehead. And Josh came in with Debby by his side.

"Tyler we have to go."

I didn't turn to face him, and stroked her cheek with my thumb.


I gave out a heavy, pained sigh. Taking her hand in mine, I gave it a kiss. I looked towards Debby.

"Call if anything happens, please."

She nodded, patting my back and pushing me lightly towards Josh.

"I'll do my best to take care of her."

Josh pulled me out of the room, and shot a sad smile towards Debby.

"Thank you."


The day before the last month April had left before the doctors would take away the sparking hope that she would still live came upon us. All throughout the concert there was gloom hanging above us. The crowd was excited, but we were the opposite. When we had finished the drum battle, and right before our standing ovation, I chose to do something different. The crowd went silent when they had noticed I hadn't said anything when me and Josh got up on stage. I looked over everyone waiting in the pit and rose the mic up.

"So as you all may not know, April, Josh's sister and my...my girlfriend..got into an accident on November 2nd of last year. She's been in a coma ever since. And today's the last day before the doc cuts her off . And I just want to say thank you to some people who were chosen to help us on a treatment with April. And what I mean by that is sending recordings of their own voices to help in a treatment doctors were doing to April. I want to say to the people that April has been showing good responses according to Debby. No contact has been made by Debby since the first concert of the year. I want a moment of silence for the beloved April, who by our knowledge, has not recovered consciousness. If she passes, I want to let her know that more than 1k people were praying for her last moments of health."

The silence was broken when a fan in the front of the pit pointed behind me, screaming my name, telling me to turn around. And there was Debby, squinting at the camera, being projected on the wall behind us.

"Is this thing on?"

She looked around, and when she seemed to spot me and Josh she smiled.

"The crew did a good job of placing the camera. Huh. I didn't trust them to do it perfectly."

The crowd was screaming, as Debby's laugh was being projected from the speakers. She waved at the crowd.

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