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April, I'm home!" I shouted into the house, closing the door behind me softly. I furrowed my eyebrows when I didn't hear a response, she must be sleeping then. I went down the hall, making sure my footsteps were soft and quiet, but when I poked my head through the cracked door, she wasn't there either. "April?"

I made my way out into the kitchen where unsurprisingly enough she wasn't there, I heard loud and what seemed to be happy bleating, that's where I instantly knew where April was. As I barely even stepped a foot onto the porch I saw April laying down on the grass, Missy and her temporary pals were surrounding her. Frankie came into view in the corner of my eye, he appeared to have a slight jealous expression on his face as April still paid no attention to him at all. I jumped off the porch, and onto the grass where I placed myself next to Frankie.

"She doesn't pay attention to you eh boy?"

Frankie just gave me a strong stare before returning his gaze back to April.



"I'm back."

"Oh. Hi."

She quickly returned her attention to the goats and I grumbled and went back inside, taking Frankie with me. For what seemed like eternity, I came back outside where she was still in the same place. The goats still climbing and playing all over her. Frankie took back his original spot where he was earlier and I took a place next to him, where the both of us stared at the goats with a high intense level of jealousy.

"Dumb Goats."

"Hey I heard that!"

"Of course you did."

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