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It had been almost 2 weeks since April had gone missing, and Josh still said she would appear pretty soon, refusing to call the police and file a missing persons report. The sweet "Happy Birthday" wishes had turned into multiple "Are you okay?" questions when my tweet of her saying she was missing went out. All her social media comment sections were teeming with worried fans. Jordan and the others had seen her storm out of the house, but with no clue as to which direction she headed. I was worried like hell, both the baby and her could be in potential danger with Blurry somewhere on the loose in Ohio. Jenna, now noticing the absence of April, saw her chance to try and rub on me. But she was the least important thing on my mind then. Every time we mentioned April's name around Jordan, he looked guilty of something. Today we mentioned April once again in front of him, and as always he had the same guilty expression on his face. Josh decided to confront him right then and there.



"Did you see April heading in any direction when she left?"


"Jordan. You have that look on your face."

"What look?"

I had enough of his stubbornness right then, and slammed my hand right onto the coffee table. He flinched, and a quick flash of fear flashed in his eyes.

"You're hiding something aren't you?"

He kept silent, trying not to meet my gaze, which flared my anger.

"Yes or no?"

He didn't answer still, and that's when I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him forward.

"Where is my wife?"

His expression was just plain and full on fear now, and he trembled, I felt a burning sensation in my eyes, arms and neck. And from the reflection in his eyes, I saw that my eyes were a bright red, but I still refused to let go of him. He decided to speak then, and Josh loosened my grip from him.

"She didn't want me to tell anyone. She said she wanted to be alone for a few days, but I don't think it's just a break now, what if she's..dead?"

I stood up abruptly then, fear taking complete control over my anger. April couldn't be dead, she couldn't. Josh saw the fear in my eyes as well.

"Jordan do you know where she went?"

"She into the woods. She didn't say where, but I think she's at the tree house."

"The tree house?"

"The one we made for her when we were kids, the one we gave up on adding new things to it when you got into the band. She always used it to get away from the world. I went there a month ago and added some songs from the artist she liked. Just in case you guys ever visited, and now that you're here...she's there, I know it. It may not be too late."

"The tree house," I looked at him with a desperate stare, knowing that me and Josh knew nothing about the tree houses whereabouts just by the look on his confused face. "Where is it?"

"It's deep inside the forest, it's blended in with the oak's and evergreen's well. So look out. You may pass it."

I wasted no time in running out the door, Josh following behind. Jenna was going up the porch then. And I skidded to a stop to refrain from crashing into her, while Josh ran into the trees. She smiled brightly, and I frowned.

"Hey Ty! Where ya going?"

"I'm going to look for April, so if you can be so kind as to move out of my way."

She frowned, "What is it with April? She's not that special!"

"She's my wife Jenna."

"If she was your wife she should've left with a notification. Not just abruptly."

"Jenna, listen. Whatever was going through her mind, she wouldn't have stopped to leave a note. She has problems that don't stop enough time for her to leave a damned note. Now let me go."

She went angry then, "What the hell do you see in her? At least I'm better than her! Ty can't you see? Even the fans want us to get back together."

"I'm married Jenna. Married."

"Divorce her then. Give the fans what they want, give me what I want."

"I don't follow what the mass majority says, I follow what my heart says. And it says I love April."

"Well you might not love her after this." She took my head into her hands, leaned forward and went for a kiss. I pushed her off me, disgusted.

"Look, Jenna. The fans may want this, but I certainly don't. I don't care if they hate April and love you more. But I love her, and neither you or the fans will change the way I feel about her."

I ran off into the woods, where Josh was waiting for me, leaning against the tree. He looked up.

"She went for it didn't she?"


"Did you put down the reject?"


"Alright then. Off to find an April we go."

I followed his fast pace, going deeper into the woods, on a journey to find our April. And when it seemed like 10 hours had passed when it was really only 5, Josh was ready to give up. The rushing river water somewhere nearby made me calm, and I slowed my pace. An hour later we would've missed the tree house entirely and would've kept on going, ending up getting lost eventually. But i spotted it in the corner of my eyes, there it was, just as Jordan had said, well blended in with the trees around it. A ladder hung down from a squared hole on the bottom of the structure in which I guessed must be the entrance. I nudged Josh, and pointed up, where he gave me a thumbs up. He went up rung by ladder rung, until he finally dived inside the tree house, where I followed quickly behind.


It was a complete mess in there, the small bookshelf it had in there was rid of its books, which were scattered around. There was a mass pile of blankets in a corner, and I saw it move a bit. I ripped away the blankets, only to reveal a small goat, under it. As I looked closer around the room, I saw a plate of water and food in a small corner, in which it spotted it, and trotted over happily bleating. Josh knelt down next to it and cooed at it, a small smile on it. I walked over and put myself in the same position as Josh was. We were so entertained with the small animal that we never noticed the creaks the ladder made when someone was heading up. But that was until we heard a small gasp, and light thudding sounds, as if berries had dropped onto the floor. The goat raised it's head, and looked behind us, it bleated happily and trotted to where the entrance was. I turned around first, and from there, one look and I knew everything would be okay. We had found her.


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