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"April wake up!"

I felt my head go sharply to the left, a stinging sensation appearing to be on my cheek.

"Dad! Don't do that!"

Light started to thaw out the dark I was in, my eyes fluttered open, only to close rapidly once again when a bright light was flashed in my eyes. I pushed out my arm, aiming to push away the person above me, I heard and grunt and loud thud not so far from me. I heard a slight scuffle, then a "hey calm down dad, it was instinct." A hand wrapped around my wrist and pulled me up gently. I slowly opened my eyes once again, Ash and Abby were standing in front of me, smiling tightly, ignoring the struggle Jordan was having trying to keep away my dad from me, his face contorted with anger.

"Welcome...home." I flashed a look towards my dad, who was clearly trying not to yell at me for pushing him onto the floor. My eyes flitted their gaze everywhere in the living room, and Abby pulled my arm heading towards the stairs.

"We thought you'd like to see your room Appster. Well, we'll leave you to it, we um..have to go down and calm dad."

Ash gave me a sad smile before walking away, I turned to face my door taking a deep breath. I creaked open the door, and cloud of dust came floating out, it was ice cold in there. My clothes were scattered everywhere, and a pile of blankets were in a corner. I heard a creak, and I turned back to look at the door, there was my mom, storming in, she looked around for a bit, phone in hand. My eyes flashed back to the pile of blankets, I stepped towards it, all of a sudden then, I had slipped out from my cover, probably hoping my mom wouldn't return. Everything faded, and I felt my airway being blocked from the cold precious air I had once been breathing in. I looked forward and there was my mother, pure fury in her eyes, I shut my eyes tightly, feeling sting after sting come across on my face. I took in a deep breath, expecting to not receive any air into my lungs at all. But there it was, cold air slipping down my throat, which had now seemed to grow colder. I rubbed the place where my dead mother's hands once were, and turned to my bed. I let out a loud gasp, and stumbled back.

"Welcome back home sweetheart."

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