.:birthdays and car rides:.

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"It was supposed to be a car ride. Not a death trap."

Earlier That Day


I woke up to a pleasant surprise from both Josh and Tyler today, and it was sweet of them. They included how many months I had left to give birth, which was 3 more months till I could see my baby's face. Today, on November 2nd 2012 I officially turn 19, while I wasn't even close to Josh's (25), and Tyler's which was 24, but his birthday coming up next month. But it didn't matter, as long as the time between me seeing my newborn's face passed by quickly, I would be happy. I woke up to the pleasant sound of Lovely, from the R.A.B. album, blasting throughout the house. Today marked the start of their 2 month break off of touring, finally returning after their last concert of the year, and today they started off with my horrible, and probably a failed abortion in my mom's thoughts, birth. I didn't even get to check my surroundings before a pair of hands covered my eyes.

"Give me the blindfold."



"JOsh no bLindfoLds."

"Too late April."

"What the hell are you guys doing."


"It's too early for this shit quit it!"

"April its 5 in the afternoon."


"Have you been missing us that much."

"Well there's nothing to do except sleep."

"You could've gone out and made some friends."

"I did. I'm friends with Debby Ryan."

"Don't lie Appi."

"Um. Josh. She's not lying."

"Shut it Tyler you know she couldn't be friends with her."

"Are you questioning my social skills?"

"April you never go outside."


"Tyler she isn't-"

"oh shit."

I knew what made him stop talking. Tyler showed him the article I had lying around, which had several photos of me and Debby out on the streets of L.A. The headline reading, 'ACTRESS DEBBY RYAN HANGING WITH THE LADY GAL OF THE LEAD SINGER OF TWENTY ONE PILOTS', a paragraph relating to the actual headline followed, but the rest was about me, and how I 'mysteriously' got pregnant since the concert in where I was first seen kissing Tyler.

"You are now known as my girlfriend huh April? Probably got you knocked up on the night of concert too. What a girl she was, that April. Mighty fine too huh Josh?"

"Mighty fine. She's got that curved body and the perfect size of clea-oW."


"but why me and not Tylerrr."

"because Tyler didn't mention my non existent cleavage!"

"Come on Appi, you're not that flat! OW!"

"She's the perfect size, cleavage or not."

"Yes. Now. Get me out of this stupid blindfold."

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