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The two days passed by fast, and soon I had a backstage pass to go with Tyler and Josh, and I was the only member from the Dun family that was present. The rest of the Joseph family was there, Maddison, Zack, Mr and Mrs Joseph. They all just stared at Josh and me, sitting all alone, but Josh was only focusing on me, in which I was currently rubbing my stomach. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Tyler watching me weirdly, I ignored all the eyes and patted it. After everyone left to eat, me and Tyler were the only ones left, he came to sit next to me, eyeing me cautiously.



"Are you actually having a child?

I looked up at him, a small smile on my face, and nodded quickly.

"Yes. Yes I am."

"Does Josh-"

"No. He doesn't."

"April you should tell him. If he finds out own his on who knows what he might do."

"He won't do anything."

"You wouldn't be able to sustain yourself and the kid April."

"What are you saying?"

"I just, I..I'd think you'd need help to do so."

I raised an eyebrow, already knowing what he was trying to say, but not wanting to say anything.


"April. I want to raise the kid with you."

I threw myself at him, hugging him tightly.

"Tyler I..I think you'd make a great replacement father for him."

He smiled tightly, hugging back.

"And I think you'd make a great mother."

I reached out, caressing his face, hesitating to make the move I had desired to do a couple weeks back. He did it instead, pulling me in, giving me a soft kiss, one that was not rough, and even though it was soft, it had so much passion behind it. The door creaked open, and I heard a small muffled laugh coming from the doors direction, and a small "aw" coming in along with it. But I didn't mind, I just pulled him closer, trying to get as much of him as possible. He pushed me down onto the small couch the venue had provided them with, and I heard a throat clear. He pulled away and all we saw was Tyler's family, and Josh, staring right at us. Josh had a little smirk on his face, and blew out his notorious wolf whistle, Maddie beamed at us, Jay and Zack were laughing, and his parents just smiled at me. Tyler smiled awkwardly and pulled me close, kissing the top of my head.

"Come on Josh, show's gonna start soon."

They left, and Maddie rushed to my side, phone ready to take a snap of the family's soon to be daughter and sister in law. She positioned me just so, and took a picture, posting it on Instagram, with the caption, "joining the family soon". My instagram had always been empty of notifications, but now it was flooding with them, I followed the first 10 people, and I was soon tagged in some of their posts saying, "ZOMG SHE FOLLOWED ME GUYS!" People started liking my posts and commenting on how pretty they thought I was. Maddie stared at me, then looked towards my stomach, her hand reached out hesitating to touch it. She looked at me as if to ask permission, I gave her the approving nod. She looked at me sadly.

"This is part of the reason why you were in the ICU for a week isn't it? The baby wasn't planned or expected, but Tyler made you check. And even though this baby was created in a disgusting and terrible way, you still love the little bundle of life. You think you're ready to take on this child, and you've been thinking that for some time. And I think that is the best thing anyone can do in this situation."

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