:thoughts undone:

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Much time, or should I say an hour, passed since I encountered Jenna in the nursery room. And to the surprise of the doctor and me, found her in April's room, poisoning the stream of her IV. I really didn't know what was going through her mind, but she's turned a bit...female doggish since the week we were in Ohio, the week April had gone missing. She was always a nice person, but I never knew to what extent her sweetness would reach. Unfortunately, it didn't get to April, in which case, her sweetness fell long before April. Fortunately, none of the poison had reached April, and she would be clear of danger for now, her weakness still keeping her tired and unconscious. What Jenna did was total soap opera action, typical jealous woman trying to kill the lover of her crush while she was in a hospital. I asked for the security on April to immediately tighten once we left. No one who was not a part of family or not on the list of extremely trusted people was to be left without supervision. I looked at April then, who was directly across from me, still in her small slumbering state. She looked weak and frail but still managed to look stunning, her skin still had a faint glow, her hair was messy and looked like a complete birds nest but still looked appealing and cute. I realized then that I wouldn't be present a lot in my childs life, not until I was safely retired. Music was a part of who I was, and my music was a part of our fans life. I didn't want to disappoint them, but until it was needed, I would perform and play my music for as long as I could. It also came into thought that I wouldn't be able to know my childrens name, I was waiting for April to come back into consciousness, but it looked like she wouldn't be doing that so soon. I didn't dare to name the children without her, but it looked like she'd have to once I wasn't present at her side. That was a downside of the whole bringing her on tour with us thing, if she had gone through labor she'd have to stay behind and wait for me to come back. I wished so hard that I'd be able to be present at my child's first steps or possibly even their first words. I wanted to be the first out of us two to change the diapers, strange, I know, but I wanted to be present on my childs first everything. Touring and being a musical artist with children at home would be harder than expected. Today's couples made it look so easy, but I supposed it was the fact they didn't tour constantly every year. When I took off a year of touring, it was bliss, being able to spend time with your loved ones. I wondered if Pete had any advice on that?

"Tyler," Josh's head was peeking in a sad look on his face, "We have to go, we'll be late. It's already 12 AM."

"Can't we go to Sacramento tomorrow?"

"No, we'll be off schedule, and it would waste our fans money, you don't want that do you?"

"No, I don't. Let me just leave her a note, i-," Josh gave me a look and I retracked on my words, "I mean, we won't be seeing her until late October or late November."

"Alright, just hurry, and don't worry Debby's on her way."

"Well she better be here fast, I don't want her to be left unsupervised."

"Tyler, April doesn't need to be watched 24/7, she's being heavily protected."

I gave out a sharp exhale, "Even if she is supervised, we can't be able to stop Blurry he's still a possible threat."

"Oh right. But I don't think-"

"Yes Josh I know you think that, but I don't."

I flicked a pen out my pocket, grabbing a random paper off of the little table April had at her side. I quickly scrawled my words onto the paper and shoved the pen back into its abyss, quickly walking out the room before I could do anything else and end up completely chaining myself to April.

"Let's get out the room's sight before you do anything rash."

"I was contemplating locking myself in her room when you went out."

Josh's expression wavered for a bit, "You really don't want to leave her do you?"

I only nodded in response, biting my tongue tightly, picking up my pace. I wanted to get out of here as fast as possible before i could do anything that would damage my fans and my loved ones. I hoped that I was able to take April along with our children, but they were too young and delicate. Michael was waiting outside for us in the bus, which captured everyone's attention. Just as we got on I caught Debby walking inside the building, at least she'd keep her safe and sound. For the meantime anyways. I kept telling myself she'd be fine, but I had a feeling something mildly terrible would happen. Michael and Josh were looking at me with worry but I just shook it off. I didn't need the attention, April did, Josh set his hand on me making me look up at him from my position. I heard a small, faint creak after he removed his hand, and I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Tyler, you alright? You look horrible."

"I just feel worried that's all. I feel that something might happen while we're away. I can't just shake off that feeling. It makes me feel....cold."

"April will be fine." He pursed his lips, going quiet for a few moments. "Hey I know what'll take your mind off this!"


"Smash Bros!"

"I'll join you and Michael later. I need to clear off my thoughts."

"Alright see you then."

I looked out back towards the rapidly shrinking city lights, and let my head thump against the window. I heard thunder crack then, and the downpour started little tears of rain ran down the glass. I sighed and turned my back to the window, walking to where Josh and Michael were.

I just hope you're safe.


* prepare yourselves for one hell of a chapter next time I publish. because we're coming closer to the end *


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