:home sweet doom:

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April's face white when I mentioned Ohio, it was clear in her face that she had thought she had finally left the town of her suffering behind in the past. I knew what Blurry was trying to do, and I knew this was only about April. I wasn't going to let her get hurt, but I couldn't let her get emotionally scarred from all what was happening. Everything seemed to focus away from me, and more onto her. Every time something happened, she looked as if she were done with everything, and everyone. Her face soon regained her color, and I saw a flash of determination in her eyes. She stepped forward, she looked scared but ready to do anything for Heath.

"Let's go then. We have no time to lose."


"Do not say I can't go Tyler because I fucking will. Heath is everything to me right now, I want him to be safe. And we're not accomplishing anything by arguing about my presence there."

"The baby will get hurt in all of this."

"The baby doesn't matter right now Tyler."

"April you're going to put the baby in danger."

"Tyler I don't care!"

I grabbed her by the wrists, and stared at her, anger and worry flashing in my eyes. Her determination wavered, and I could see fear in her expression for a split second.

"I care! April I give a fucking damn about how you and our baby end up! Don't you say the baby doesn't matter April, because you know it does. You're just to scared to say it. For all we know the dang child could be fake, he could be part of Blurry's plan"

"Tyler he's real. He was here before Blurry ever was. I can touch him, I can see him. He has a heart, he has everything."

"April. Yes I know that. We can be able to touch him and stuff. He has all those organs."

"Then stop saying he isn't real!"

"April I'm leaving you here and this is for your own good."

"What if this is all a trap huh? What if he just leads you to Ohio for a fucking game and here he was all along? He could get to me for all you know!"

I looked at Josh, and he looked back at me with a "She has a point" expression. I sighed, and nodded stiffly.

"Fine. You can go. On one condition."

"And what will that be?"

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