.:.non existent.:.

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April had been excited to see the little boy again. She still had the pictures, and she had made a slight shrine since the last time we went to Disneyland. She had always prayed for the boy to come out safe, and a couple times I had heard her wanting to risk her own health and life for the little boy to come out safe. Me and Tyler had never noticed until after he told her, that she still had the boys necklace on. She kept on pestering us to leave early already, she couldn't wait to see the boy. And Tyler kept on grinning through the whole morning. At last it was time to go, and she basically threw herself into the car, Tyler freaked out about her having a miscarriage if she kept throwing herself everywhere. As we headed to the happiest place in L.A., April kept blabbering all the way. Tyler kept laughing at her when she questioned if the little boy would even remember her. As soon as we entered, April took off running, Tyler and I tried to chase her down, and by the time we did, the little boy was already in her arms. Both were crying in the middle of the walkway, some people stopped to record this. While a couple of clique members, from which we could tell apart from the crowd easily because they wear wearing merch, came up to the scene playing out currently, taking a picture of April and the kid. They walk off without bothering to look for us. I smile widely as April starts to talk with the kid.

"You look different princess. What happened?"

"Well, Heathen, a bad, bad villain got into my castle the other day. And he did very, very bad things to the princess."

"No, not that's not it. You look happier than before."

"Well isn't this the happiest place on earth Heathen?"

"Well, yeah, but, you seem, full."


"Is there going to be another princess with you soon?"


"Yeah. A smaller version of you."

"Do you mean a baby?"

Heathen nodded at April, and started to question who the father was. April nodded at Tyler, and Heathen went up to him, Tyler knelt down to the boys height. And Heathen started to talk to him on how it was important that he take care of the baby, or else Maleficent would come along and put a curse on the baby. Tyler smiled and ruffled Heathens' hair, agreeing to what he said. Eventually Heathen went back to an overly happy April. As the day progressed April stuck with Heathen, and Heathen did the same, going on every ride he could be able to go on. April bought almost anything he wanted, as long as it didn't violate the parents rules. The both of us watched them heads towards a ride. They were both happy, and Tyler was excited for the baby they were going to have sometime next year, he most likely would be able to be there for the birth, since we planned to take April with us on tour. It was a complete risk, but Tyler didn't want April to be alone, and he didn't want to be apart from her. Halloween was also coming up in a week, and we had planned a costume party. April came limping up to us with Heathen in her arms, she looked terrified, she was out of breath.

"They, they aren't alive."

"They aren't what April? What happ-"

A scream erupted into the air, a loud bang coming not long after. People started to run, and Heathen had started to cry, me and Tyler glanced at each other. Another shot rang into the air, and we heard more screams, April picked up Heathens, and that's when I noticed the blood spattered near her ankle. Something had happened to his parents, I pushed her quickly towards the entrance, grabbing Heathens for myself, leaving a limping April to Tyler. He picked her up swiftly, running hard and fast. We heard 3 more shots, which hit the 3 people near us. We were reaching the entrance, were the police were dodging the people streaming out, they themselves running in, others staying behind to make sure nobody got trampled. We got past the cops, and were heading towards our car before one of them saw April's bloodied leg. He called us over, and Tyler set her down.

"Ma'am did you notice anything suspicious before the shooting?"

"The employee, he kept, he kept looking at me, and me Heath," She pointed to Heath, who was currently on my shoulder. "We were first in line, and he pulled out a gun, and I started run for it but I'm guessing he had a knife on him because I felt something rip through my skin. Heath's parents, they were just behind us, and his dad took a stand up against him, telling me to run, and all i heard before i left the ride line, was gunshot echoing in the tunnel."

April had started to cry now, her shoulders shaking heavily, Heath struggled in my arms, and he reached towards April, I set him down and he ran straight towards her, crashing into her hugging her leg tightly.

"Don't cry princess. It's okay."

All of us smiled at Heath's attempt to cheer April up, she looked at the officer, sniffing.

"Can I go?"

"Yes. You can just. What's your name, we need to be able to find you if we need anything else."

"April Lan-"

"Oh you're that Lancaster girl that got with the Joseph boy aren't you?"

"Yeah. Yeah I am. Tyler Joseph actually, we're married now. He's right there."

April pointed to him, standing up.

"Thank you for your time Mrs. Joseph. We'll call you or look for you if we need anything else.

April nodded, and once we all got into the car, Tyler was worried about April's cut.

"Is it deep? Is it bleeding a lot?"

"Relax Tyler it's just a scratch."

I was buckling Heath in the seat next to April. And I turned to Tyler when April turned to speak to the child.

"You know you could possibly adopt the kid, now that he doesn't have any parents that can look after him. That way your newborn would have an older sibling to protect over them."

Tyler considered this and nodded, staying quiet for the rest of the drive home. Heath didn't seem upset, it was most likely that the truth hadn't hit him yet. And I was glad, because I didn't want to see him in pain. Once we got to the house, Tyler and April had a discussion about adopting him, and the answer turned out to be yes. They went to search up his name, but they didn't find him anywhere, not even in any hospital records they could access online. We all looked at Heath, his mother could've possibly given birth to him at home or something. Maybe the people that had him weren't really his parents. April looked more sad than ever, she uttered 3 words in a hushed voice.

"He doesn't exist."

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