.:Hear Me Now:.

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"Look at this cute little kitten I just found guys. Pretty ain't she?"

April grimaced, looking around for her boyfriend, but he was no where in sight. Great he was probably off banging another girl again. She wasn't sure why she was still dating him at all, but the fact that he was controlling of her didn't help the situation at all, he barked out and command and she always answered. The man called out to her again and she tried to ignore him, until he grabbed her wrist to spun her back around.

"Hey whore, when i call, you answer."

She swallowed thickly, giving him a glare.

"Why don't you go fuck off and find your mother jerk."

The man snarled and slammed her against his chest, his hand went down, and she felt a pinch on her bottom. She raised her hand and smacked it across his face as hard as she could, only managing to anger him more. He snarled and pushed her down, her head hitting the a stool and she went down. She heard a familiar shout, and she saw her brothers face come into view as he helped her stand up.

"Lay off the merchandise bud."

Josh threw out a fist and hit him square in the jaw, sending the guy back into his group.

"You don't ever hit on a girl like that. Let's go April."

"Don't surprised when precious little April disappears from your side."

April was pale from the whole thing, and Josh just hugged her tightly.

"I'll make sure you don't get hurt sis. I promise."

All April could do was nod. She sat down next to Josh and the others, Jordan slid her a shot, saying that it would loosen her up from what had happened. She drank about "30" drinks and by then her voice was starting to slur. They went to dance and did not notice that Tyler had come. He kept hovering around April, worried. He refused to go back to the table until he saw her face touch someone else's. He left back, a sad smile in his face as he approached Josh and the others. He saw April leave the club later on, by herself. He followed her, at this time of the night, she had a high chance of getting hurt. April stumbled along, she could walk home, Josh wouldn't mind. She heard a low voice come out from the darkness.

"Hey there."

Run April, Run.

April stumbled back, but not quite fast enough, the man grabbed her arm tightly. He pulled her into an alley, pressing her against the wall, mashing his lips against hers roughly, ripping off what little she had on from the start. April kicked and struggled all she wanted but the man still didn't let go. She tried to scream for help, but the man moved his hand quickly over her mouth. Preventing from his desperate attempt to fulfill his thirst for pleasure to be ruined so quickly. The man pushed her down, unzipping his pants without a single struggle. April's whimpers turned into muffled screams, her eyes pleading. The man, overcome by his thirst for his own pleasure, did not give her any mercy, he was determined to get what he wanted and he wanted it now. April bit the hand he had over mouth and tried to run away, the man however would not let her escape so easily and slip away from his grasp. He grasped April's arm tightly and yanked her back deeper into the depths of the alley. April could easily see all of his features and he could easily see all of hers. April was disgusted, her hands were clammy, and hot tears were running down her face.

April tried to stand up several times and slid down the alley wall countless times. She had no extra strength to help herself up. She sat there, slumping against the wall helplessly. She regretted agreeing to go to the club, regretted ignoring Josh's rules and most of all regretted going to walk back home alone. Her mouth tasted horrid, her chest was freezing cold, and she disliked the dry tears on her face. She sat there for a while, then slowly lifted herself off the ground. Her legs were shaking, her head was aching badly, and she felt weak. Several times she almost fell and she caught herself each time. Everything had built up since the morning, the negative outweighing the positive. She was just about ready to explode. She teared up again, and let out a choked sob. She didn't know what had gone on. All she knew was that she wanted to be hugged tightly. She wanted to be anywhere but here. She wanted to take a hot shower, and wash away all the grime she had collected during the struggle deep in the alley. Her eyes were red, unwilling to give out anymore tears. Her nose was runny. And all she could do was helplessly stare at the alley wall, repeating the same words over and over again.

"Help me. Please. Help."  Her voice was growing weaker and hoarse. All she wanted was for someone to hear her, comfort her. "Please. Someone..help."

But no one came, and April sat there, all alone. She heard a rustle to her left, and she lifted herself up, her face lighting up with hope.

"Good to see you again kitten. Such a horrible night for you huh? Hopefully David here treated you the way you deserved to be treated. Like. A. Skank. And now, you'll be treated like the dead." 

All the color drained from her face, a cold metal tip piercing her skin. She didn't have the right amount of power and energy left in her to push away the man. All she gave out was a sharp inhale. Her chin was tilted up and she looked into the eyes of the man she first struggled with back in the bar, his lips made disgustingly horrid contact with hers.

"That should teach your brother on messing with the Alpha. Farewell kitten."

April's head dropped, and she watched as they walked away, her vision blurring. All she heard last was 3 simple words coming from the voice she appreciated the most. The voice she hadn't heard since she was 13.

Hear me now?

"I hear you."

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