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"April!" I shouted, startling everyone in the room. She had been doing so well, at least from what he had seen before he took Josh's spot. Just after April had delivered her baby, her eyes were fluttering, and she had gone pale. Tyler didn't panic, he had thought she was just taking a small break, because he knew going into labor was very tiring and energy draining. But everything started going downhill when he heard her heart monitor start to stutter and just barely start to flatline. The doctors pushed him away roughly, and a nurse started to drag him out quickly.

"Sir you need to get out please."

"What's happening? Why is she flatlining?"

"Sir please."

"What's happening?!"

The nurse just simply ignored me, and pulled me down a hallway quietly, and into the waiting room. I heard Josh call my name, but I just stared after the nurse, standing in the same place, he came up next to me then.

"Ty? How's April?"


"Flatlining? Is that some sort of stretch or something?"


Right then Josh caught the tone of my voice, and he knew what was happening.


Josh looked completely calm, and even I, couldn't read his emotions now, he refused to show anything. I felt a burning sting come to my eyes, and a small, warm tear slipped down my cheek.

"Did she deliver the second child? Do you..do you think the twins are alright?"

My head snapped up, the tears still forming, but I wiped at my eyes furiously with my jacket sleeve, "Twins? What are you saying? She was only having one?"

Josh smiled tightly, "Well buddy, you got one baby overlooked during that test. You have two children."

A nurse came up to us, and tapped my shoulder, "Mr Joseph and..."


"Yes, um, would you like to see your children?"

"Yes! Please!"

"Right this way then, both you and the mother have very nice genes. Your babies look beautiful."

"Ahem. Our babies, of course they would they prolly got everything from their mother."

The nurse stopped in front of the nursery and her eyebrows came together with a frown,"Ah, uh yes." She lead us to the back of the room, and there she pointed out two babies. They weren't crying at all, save two smaller whimpers I heard when we approached.


"Boy and girl. What a sight, they really took after their parents. Sad they didn't take after their pretty uncle eh Ty?."

The smallest one, a girl, had the exact color of eyes April had, green. A beautiful and light sapphire green, its beauty being speckled with dots of chocolate. I looked up at the nurse then, "What about April is she okay? Is she going to be alright?"

The nurse bit her lip, and didn't respond, and shuffled a bit away as if she was going to tend to the other babies in the room.

"Miss? Please, I want to know if my wife is going to be alright."

She turned around a certain flash of emotion that I couldn't quite place was present in her eyes. Those eyes, blue, I swore they were once next to me on a couch more than 3 years ago, I shuddered, shaking the thought off. She had blue eyes and blonde hair, not blue eyes and brown hair. My brows furrowed together as she responded with a harsh tone but yet if you looked at just what she had said apart from how she said it, her words would seem nice.

"She should be alright, why do you care that much? She doesn't seem as important as you say, seems pretty worthless to me. Probably just a cover up."

"Excuse me? You're talking about my-"

"Sister and his wife, yeah, got it. But as you can clearly see, I don't give a shit. Wouldn't be surprised if she died in an hour or so. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some...business to attend to."

I exhaled sharply, "Rude lady."

"Still trying not to cuss?"

"I'm trying not to influence them too early."

"Typical innocent Ty."

"I'm not innocent as you think man."

Josh scoffed, tickling the chin of the small baby boy, who was now looking up at us, gurgling. I sighed, dragging my finger tip lightly across the cheek of the little girl.

Josh looked over, "Hey, what are you going to name them?

"I don't know, I wanted to name them with April, but she's in danger right now."

"Not anymore."

We both looked back, and found the doctor that had previously attended April standing in the doorway.

"She's sleeping but she's recovered well, it took us a while, something seemed to be overpowering her. Most likely her lack of T-cells. She's delicate right now but she'll be up and running in about 2 weeks."

"Two weeks?"

"Yes, is there a problem? Well it's just that we have to get going soon, we're touring...and, we won't be back until late November."

"She has someone to look after her correct?"



"Ms Ryan?"


"According to the front desk, she's been waiting in the waiting room since you went in here."

I furrowed my brows, and looked at Josh. "How'd she-"

"The fans Tyler. Once something gossip worthy happens in the clique you know how they spread it around. Debby must've seen it."

"But it's only been 2 hours."

"2 hours is enough for it to get trending."

"Let me see your phone," I looked at the doctor, "excuse me for a bit."

I clicked on the Twitter icon, since it seemed that all trends started there, sure enough, Josh's phone was blowing up. Almost every other post showed a video of what happened. The account TopUpdating was getting attention for releasing a video first. I clicked on instagram but didn't get very far before Abigail started calling Josh. I handed the phone to him and went outside and took the call, before turning back to the doctor.

"Where is she?"

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant