:Mrs Joseph:

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"Thank you for coming everyone! Remember, we are Twenty One Pilots and so are you!"

Tonights show had started off amazing so far, all at once, in these 15 minutes that had passed already, I knew the Blurryface tour was going to be almost a complete success. Some fans were beginning to dislike Stressed Out and I had no clue on why they did. I always shook the thought out of my mind, it didn't matter as long as they enjoyed the songs I made, as long as it made them happy. It was early May and for the past month me and Josh had been making April jokes. And to speak of the devil or as I say my pretty angel, I spotted April right in the crowd. Usually I would smile at her and give her a wave, but I was worried that she'd get hurt and possibly have a miscarriage which god knows she'd lose what was left of her sanity with all the deaths happening around her. She had already lost one child and god forbid she'd lose this one. I gripped my microphone tightly singing the last few lyrics of Migraine, I paused going to my piano and letting my fingers sweep over the keys, letting the tune of Tear in My Heart echo into the hushed venue. They always knew when I would most likely talk for a bit, and then continue into the song, they were doing their best to keep quiet, and I heard a strangled "I love you" come from somewhere in the front of the pit. I smiled brightly, a chuckle seeping out from its captivity in my mouth, I raised my microphone to my lips, my tongue running over the dry, cracked surface, now being moistened.

"Hey Josh?"

He looked up from his drum kit, his eyes going over the thousands of people in the venue before coming to me, giving my a slight head nod up, his way of saying "what?" in concerts. I grinned and he caught what I was thinking and nodded slightly, tapping a cymbal lightly.

"What is it today?"

I glanced at April in the crowd, where she had her eyes narrowed, her lips forming into a small pout. I had walked over to him by now, and he leaned over to speak into it.


"Yeah..go on."

He leaned back, and jokingly paused for 20 seconds to make it seem as if he was thinking intently.

"I believe it's April Tyler."

I burst out in giggles when the spotlight went on April immediately, my eyes went to look at her, where she was withholding a smile from forming. I smiled like I had absolutely done nothing wrong, and sat back down at my piano, starting up the tune for Tear In My Heart again.

"This one's for you April."

The venue went dark for about 10 quick seconds, and it lit right back up as I hit the notes.


The crowd threw away the silence that they had put forth, now erupting into cheers, screams, and from what I could faintly hear, claps.

"Sometimes you've got to bleed to know, that you're alive and have a soul," Josh started to pick up his pace and I started to raise my voice. "But it takes someone to come around to show you how. She's the tear in my heart, I'm alive, she's the tear in my heart, I'm on fire, she's the tear in my heart, take me higher, than I've ever been."

"The songs on the radio are ok, but my taste in music is your face"

I stood up from my seat then, jumping up onto my piano swiftly, proceeding to do little dance moves as soon as I jumped off, all while continuing to sing the verses.

"You fell asleep in my car, I drove the whole time, but that's ok, I'll just avoid the holes so you sleep fine, I'm driving here I sit, cursing my government, for not using my taxes to fill holes with more cement."

I started to do a half run/skip around the stage, my voice being greatly affected by the great smile upon my face. It was impossible to not think of April while listening or singing to this, I was being overwhelmed by all the memories that kept rushing back. Every single memory that came back to mind came back with an image and some of them were haunting. It all went back to the time we met in the forest, oh how she looked so scared, I saw the scene play out in front of me, the crowd now disappearing and forming into the forest near Aprils home. She burst out of the bushes, looking a mixture of both frightened, terrified, confused and curious. And there was I, when I looked up at her I could sense all the whispering in my head coming to a complete and abrupt cease. I saw myself stand up straight and put on a big smile like nothing had happened and that she had seen nothing. Not very long after she had a pained look, I did all I could to comfort her but she ran away. I shook my head, the crowd coming back into view, surprisingly despite what I had just went through, I was still singing, but still in the same place as I was before. Josh looked at me, his drumsticks hitting his kit the hardest I've seen them do, he was worried, I gave him a nod, letting him know I was okay, and he gave me what looked like an sure but steady nod and went back to drumming normally. I ran back to the piano, setting the microphone into its holder, my fingers gliding over and gently pressing the keys. Another flash came back and replaced my vision of the crowd, all I saw then was me rushing to the crushed car on the side of a hill next to the road where April had smashed through the windshield and out onto the ground. Her face was scratched, blood flowing from several places, and I pulled myself back, letting out a little gasp, everything coming back to its normal state once again. I continued to sing as if nothing happened, refusing to look to the side, where Josh was trying to slow his drumming down and not make it fast.

"My heart is my armor, she's the tear in my heart, she's a carver, she's a butcher with a smile, cut me farther," I paused, my eyes were beginning water, and I gave a smile to an anxious April watching in the crowd, almost more than 3 years with this woman and she still never loses her touch of making my life easier and happier. "than I've ever..been.."

The crowd went wild, but I ignored them for a bit and I smiled down at April, fresh tears running down my cheeks. I jumped down off the stage, into the little strip of free space where the security guards were always standing , I took a deep breath before going into the crowd, saying polite excuse me's to make my way to her. Despite all the frantic screaming around me, and the more crowded it became by the minute by fans trying to reach me, all I had set on my mind was her and nothing more. Without this girl, I'd be long gone off this earth by now, there wouldn't be a band called Twenty One Pilots, there wouldn't be a Tyler Robert Joseph, and there certainly wouldn't be a brown haired woman standing before me going by Mrs. Joseph.

Standing On The Fringes Of Life || Tyler Joseph & Josh DunOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora